Dear Petsc users, <br><font><br style="font-family:georgia,serif"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">My purpose is to solve AmatX=b, A is a symmetric indefinite matrix. </span><br style="font-family:georgia,serif"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">Here, I read the manual about the usage of preconditioned GMRES method:</span><br style="font-family:georgia,serif">
<span style="font-family:georgia,serif">Given a matrix Pmat which is a good approximation to Amat, and call</span><br style="font-family:georgia,serif"></font><pre style="font-family:georgia,serif"><font>PetscErrorCode KSPSetOperators(KSP ksp,Mat Amat,Mat Pmat,MatStructure flag).<br>
<br>My question is: If I have an explicit good approximation (T) to the inverse of the Amat (that is T=Pmat^{_1}), <br>which call will be used to tell the KSP of having this explicit preconditioner. <br><br>Thanks in advance for your suggestions.<br>
<br>Best wishes<br>Zhengyong <br><br><br></font></pre><font><br style="font-family:georgia,serif"><span style="font-family:georgia,serif">-- </span></font><br>Zhengyong Ren<br>AUG Group, Institute of Geophysics<br>Department of Geosciences, ETH Zurich<br>
NO H 47 Sonneggstrasse 5<br>CH-8092, Z�rich, Switzerland<br>Tel: +41 44 633 37561<br>e-mail: <a href=""></a><br>Gmail: <a href=""></a><br>