Dear Sir,<br> I am working on a parallel unstructured finite volume solver.The solver
is efficiently running in parallel using gauss seidel linear solver.The
matrix is sparse and stored by CSR format.Now I want to implement a
PETSc library to make the convergence faster.But I am going through a
major problem as discussed below.<br> If I partitioned a big domain say rectangular duct into 4 zones using
parMetis.Each zone is solved in separate processor as fairly solved by
gauss seidel linear solver.But I want to solve these zones by PETSc.How
to do that?How to form a matrix with global numbering which is required
format for PETSc to form a matrix?Does it necessarily important to form a
global matrix? very few information available for assembling a matrix
from unstructured finite volume method in PETSc.<br><br>Thankx and regards,<br>Rahul.<br clear="all"><br>