Greetings,<br><br>I was just wondering what the simplest way to create a new N+k dim where the first N come from a DA. It seems to me that I would have to go the round about way of getting the array, then writing that to the first N components of the new vector... I think there would be a bit of a pain for the parallel case when doing this though, like in managing the change in the local sizes when going from N to N+k... perhaps it's not that tricky. Also, with DAs I don't have to worry about orderings, correct?<br>
<br>Essentially I want to get pseudo-arclength continuation working using the SNES solver. Another option I'm thinking is that rather than using an extended vector, I could use a MatShell where the added components are located within its context, and updated upon matmult...since k is typically small, this seems reasonable. Do you know of any code/projects that make use of the SNES module for continuation? Any thoughts on what would be the better or simpler way of doing this?<br>
<br>I'm using petsc-3.1 right now, as I also need slepc...which hasn't been updated to work with 3.2 yet, as far as I know. I'm fairly new to petsc/slepc... so I have to ask, what is the timescale like between the release of a new petsc, and update of slepc? Or is there a way to get slepc working with the new release?<br>