Hi I have configured petsc-3.0.0-p12 along with SuperLU_Dist. <br><br>When we use SuperLU as an external solver the manual saya that we must pass -pc_factor_mat_solver_package superlu_dist as an option. <br><br>I notice that when we provide -pc_type lu the example runs smoothly. but without this option, -log_summary says <br>
<br>WARNING! There are options you set that were not used!<br>WARNING! could be spelling mistake, etc!<br>Option left: name:-pc_factor_mat_solver_package value: superlu_dist<br><br>Does this mean -pc_type lu must always be provided as an option when using SuperLU_Dist????<br>
<br><br>Also there was a bug when using SuperLU_Dist along with -ksp_view in petsc-3.1p5. I dont have the same problem when using petsc-3.0.0-p12 . Are there any reported problems when using petsc-3.0.0p12 <br>with SuperLU_Dist <br>