Hi All,<br>The following question is only for test and comparison reason.<br><br>Is there a command line option to set up using 1-Norm(sum of absolute value of residuals) as convergence monitor and test.<br><br>Alternatively, if I can get the residual "r" out at the end of each
iteration, then it is going to be much simpler, since I can just call
VecNorm(r, NORM_1, &r_ell1) and pass the r_ell1 into the convergence monitor and test. Can anyone inform me if PETSc has an interface for the resuidual r?<br><br>Or one has to call the convergence test:<br>MyKSPConverged(ksp,n,rnorm,flag,dummy);<br>
and following the steps:<br>1. fetch the exact solution:<br><br>KSPBuildSolution(ksp,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT,x,ierr)<br><br>2. calculate the residual:<br><br>pass the Right Hand side and the Matrix in to calculate the 1-Norm. But this step is *not* obvious, since the matrix and rhs is already distributed over each processes.<br>
<br>3. set up the convergence test based on the 1_Norm residual.<br><br><br>Thank you very much,<br><br><br>Yan<br>