Hi All, <br>I am tring to use the PETSc runtime option -start_in_debugger.<br><br>However, when I attach the debugger at run time to each process, there are error messages and I only get one gdb window(Am I suppose to get as many as the number of the processes?)<br>
<br>vyan2000@vyan2000-linux:~/local/PPETSc/petsc-2.3.3-p15/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ttt2$ mpirun -np 2 ./rpisolve -ksp_monitor_true_residual -start_in_debugger -display :0.0<br><br>[1]PETSC ERROR: PETSC: Attaching gdb to ./rpisolve of pid 26307 on display :0.0 on machine vyan2000-linux<br>
[0]PETSC ERROR: PETSC: Attaching gdb to ./rpisolve of pid 26306 on display :0.0 on machine vyan2000-linux<br><br>Then, only a *single* gdb window prompts out. When I run with 3 process, there are only *two* gdb windows.<br>
<br>Thank you very much in advance,<br><br>Yan<br>