Hi All,<br>I have some difficulty of understanding the struct PC_FieldSplit. From the definition I can see that it has a data structure like a "list" and each member in the list is representing an object Field(or PC_Field).<br>
<br>Suppose that my matrix has a blocksize of 5. I want to Set 3 Fields, i.e. field_0 as {0,1}, field_1 as{2,3},and field_3 as {4}. Then can anyone please help me to fill in the following parameter.<br><br>PC_FieldSplit *jac = (PC_FieldSplit*)pc->data;<br>
<br>what is jac->nsplit? 3, is my guess, since we have split the matrix into 3 split, namely field_0, field_1, field_2.<br><br>PC_FieldSplitLink ilink = jac->head;<br><br>what is ilink->nfields? 2, is my guess, since the fields_0 has 2 fields inside.<br>
<br>Then ilink=ilink->next; ilink=ilin->next; ilink->nfileds should be 1 right?<br><br>Thank you very much in advance.<br><br>Yan<br>