<p>Dear PETSc developers:</p><p>I am trying to use MatGetArray() and MatSetValues() to combine several MPIDense matrices into one matrix. At the beginning, I use </p><p>MatGetOwnershipRange() and Mat->camp.rstart; Mat->cmap.rend (2.3.3-p8 version) to get the start, end row and column. I can calculate the local rows and columns.</p>
<p>I also use MatGetLocalSize() to confirm the accuracy. However, I always find some data loses in the combined matrix.</p><p>And then, I try to use MatDenseGetLocalMatrix() to get the lcoal matrix and output it. I find column information by MatGetLocalSize() is not consistent with by MatDenseGetLocalMatrix(), is it bug? could you give me some advice? thanks a lot.</p>