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<div>I am trying to compile PETSc with mpi using --download-mpich=1 in linux. The command is </div>
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<p>./config/configure.py --with-fc=/lsftmp/g0306332/inter/fc/bin/ifort --with-blas-lapack-dir=/lsftmp/g0306332/inter/mkl/ --download-mpich=1 --with-x=0 --with-shared</p></div>
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<div>It displays:</div>
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<div>================================================================================= Running configure on MPICH; this may take several minutes ================================================================================= ================================================================================= Running make on MPICH; this may take several minutes =================================================================================
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<div>then it says disk quota exceeded. I've about 450mb free space, which is all filled up when the error shows. May I know how much disk space is required?</div>
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<div>Also can I compile just mpich on a scratch directory and then moved it to the PETSc externalpackages directory? Or do I have to compile everything (including PETSc) on a scratch directory and moved it my my directory?
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<div>thank you.</div>