[petsc-users] Hypre freezing with Mat type mpiaij and Vec type mpi

Junchao Zhang junchao.zhang at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 09:21:40 CST 2024

On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 4:40 AM Edoardo Centofanti <
edoardo.centofanti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have a code running both on GPU and CPU. This code has both cuda kernels
> and calls to PETSc KSP and related PC. In particular, I am trying to
> perform tests with Hypre BoomerAMG both on CPU and GPU. In order to do
> that, on CPU I am running the code with -mat_type mpiaij and -vec_type mpi,
> while on GPU I am using respectively aijcusparse and cuda.
> The configuration ran for PETSc (version is 3.20) is
> ./configure PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-cuda --with-cuda --download-mumps
> --download-hypre --with-debugging=0 --download-scalapack
> --download-parmetis --download-metis --download-fblaslapack=1
> --download-mpich --download-make --download-cmake
> My problem is that when I try to run my code on GPU it works well, while
> on CPU with mat_type mpiaij and -vec_type mpi it works regularly until the
> call to Hypre, then freezes (I have to kill it myself), while with GAMG it
> works on CPU with the same configuration (and the same code, just PC is
> changed).
Probably because if hypre is configured with GPU support, even petsc is
running on CPU (with -mat_type mpiaij and -vec_type mpi), hypre is still
trying to run on GPU, causing the hanging problem. The petsc/hypre
interface is not able to support both CPU/GPU with the same build.

> On another machine running PETSc version 3.17 everything worked smoothly
> with the same code and the same configuration, also on Hypre.
I guess with petsc-3.17, you also used a different hypre version
(downloaded by petsc).

> Do you have any insights on what is happening?
> Best regards,
> Edoardo
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