[petsc-users] Understanding index sets for PCGASM

Leonardo Mutti leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it
Wed May 17 10:10:15 CDT 2023

Dear developers, let me kindly ask for your help again.
In the following snippet, a bi-diagonal matrix A is set up. It measures 8x8
blocks, each block is 2x2 elements. I would like to create the correct IS
objects for PCGASM.
The non-overlapping IS should be: [*0,1*], [*2,3*],[*4,5*], ..., [*14,15*]. The
overlapping IS should be: [*0,1*], [0,1,*2,3*], [2,3,*4,5*], ..., [12,13,
I am running the code with 4 processors. For some reason, after
calling PCGASMDestroySubdomains
the code crashes with severe (157): Program Exception - access violation. A
visual inspection of the indices using ISView looks good.
Thanks again,

      Mat   :: A
      Vec   :: b
      PetscInt ::
      PetscMPIInt :: size
      PetscErrorCode :: ierr
      PetscScalar :: v
      KSP            :: ksp
      PC             :: pc
      IS,ALLOCATABLE :: subdomains_IS(:), inflated_IS(:)
      PetscInt            :: NMPI,MYRANK,IERMPI
      INTEGER  :: IS_counter, is_start, is_end

      call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, ierr)
      call PetscLogDefaultBegin(ierr)

      N_blocks = 8
      block_size = 2
      M = N_blocks * block_size


      ! ASSUMPTION: no block spans more than one rank (the inflated blocks

      ! INTRO: create matrix and right hand side

      ! How many inflated blocks span more than one rank? NMPI-1 !

      call VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,b,ierr)
      call VecSetSizes(b, PETSC_DECIDE, M,ierr)
      call VecSetFromOptions(b,ierr)

      DO I=(MYRANK*(M/NMPI)),((MYRANK+1)*(M/NMPI)-1)

         ! Set matrix
         call MatSetValue(A, I, I, v, INSERT_VALUES, ierr)
         IF (I-block_size .GE. 0) THEN
            call MatSetValue(A, I, I-block_size, v, INSERT_VALUES, ierr)
         ! Set rhs
         v = I
         call VecSetValue(b,I,v, INSERT_VALUES,ierr)

      END DO

      call MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)
      call MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)
      call VecAssemblyBegin(b,ierr)
      call VecAssemblyEnd(b,ierr)


      call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ksp, ierr)
      call KSPSetOperators(ksp, A, A, ierr)
      call KSPSetType(ksp, 'preonly', ierr)
      call KSPGetPC(ksp, pc, ierr)
      call PCSetType(pc, PCGASM, ierr)


      DO IS_COUNTER=1,N_blocks

         srank = MAX(((IS_COUNTER-2)*block_size)/(M/NMPI),0) ! start rank
reached by inflated block
         erank = MIN(((IS_COUNTER-1)*block_size)/(M/NMPI),NMPI-1) ! end
rank reached by inflated block. Coincides with rank containing non-inflated

   ! Create subcomms
   color = MPI_UNDEFINED
   IF (myrank == srank .or. myrank == erank) THEN
      color = 1
   call MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD,color,MYRANK,subcomm,ierr)

         ! Create IS
         IF (srank .EQ. erank) THEN   ! Block and overlap are on the same
            IF (MYRANK .EQ. srank) THEN
               IF (IS_COUNTER .EQ. 1) THEN  ! the first block is not
         else ! Block and overlap not on the same rank
            if (myrank == erank) then  ! the block
               call  ISCreateStride
               call  ISCreateStride
            if (myrank == srank) then  ! the overlap
               call  ISCreateStride
               call  ISCreateStride

         call MPI_Comm_free(subcomm, ierr)
      END DO

      ! Set the domains/subdomains
      NSub = N_blocks/NMPI
      is_start = 1 + myrank * NSub
      is_end = min(is_start + NSub, N_blocks)
      if (myrank + 1 < NMPI) then
         NSub = NSub + 1


      call PetscOptionsSetValue(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,"-sub_ksp_type",
"gmres", ierr)
      call PetscOptionsSetValue(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,"-sub_pc_type", "none",
PetscOptionsSetValue(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,"-pc_gasm_view_subdomains", "1",

      call KSPSetUp(ksp, ierr)
      call PCSetUp(pc, ierr)
      call KSPSetFromOptions(ksp, ierr)
      call PCSetFromOptions(pc, ierr)

      call KSPView(ksp,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD, ierr)

Il giorno mer 10 mag 2023 alle ore 03:02 Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev> ha

> On May 9, 2023, at 4:58 PM, LEONARDO MUTTI <
> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:
> In my notation diag(1,1) means a diagonal 2x2 matrix with 1,1 on the
> diagonal, submatrix in the 8x8 diagonal matrix diag(1,1,2,2,...,2).
> Am I then correct that the IS representing diag(1,1) is 0,1, and that
> diag(2,2,...,2) is represented by 2,3,4,5,6,7?
> I believe so
> Thanks,
> Leonardo
> Il mar 9 mag 2023, 20:45 Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev> ha scritto:
>>   It is simplier than you are making it out to be. Each IS[] is a list of
>> rows (and columns) in the sub (domain) matrix. In your case with the matrix
>> of 144 by 144 the indices will go from 0 to 143.
>>   In your simple Fortran code you have a completely different problem. A
>> matrix with 8 rows and columns. In that case if you want the first IS to
>> represent just the first row (and column) in the matrix then it should
>> contain only 0. The second submatrix which is all rows (but the first)
>> should have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
>>   I do not understand why your code has
>> indices_first_domain = [0,1,8,9] ! corresponds to diag(1,1)
>> it should just be 0
>> On May 9, 2023, at 12:44 PM, LEONARDO MUTTI <
>> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:
>> Partial typo: I expect 9x(16+16) numbers to be stored in subdomain_IS : #
>> subdomains x (row indices of the submatrix + col indices of the submatrix).
>> Il giorno mar 9 mag 2023 alle ore 18:31 LEONARDO MUTTI <
>> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> ha scritto:
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>> Da: LEONARDO MUTTI <leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it>
>>> Date: mar 9 mag 2023 alle ore 18:29
>>> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Understanding index sets for PCGASM
>>> To: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
>>> Thank you for your answer, but I am still confused, sorry.
>>> Consider
>>> https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/blob/main/src/ksp/ksp/tests/ex71f.F90 on
>>> one processor.
>>> Let M=12 for the sake of simplicity, i.e. we deal with a 12x12 2D grid,
>>> hence, a  144x144 matrix.
>>> Let NSubx = 3, so that on the grid we do 3 vertical and 3 horizontal
>>> subdivisions.
>>> We should obtain 9 subdomains that are grids of 4x4 nodes each, thus
>>> corresponding to 9 submatrices of size 16x16.
>>> In my run I obtain NSub = 9 (great) and subdomain_IS(i), i=1,...,9,
>>> reads:
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 0*
>>> *1 1*
>>> *2 2*
>>> *3 3*
>>> *4 12*
>>> *5 13*
>>> *6 14*
>>> *7 15*
>>> *8 24*
>>> *9 25*
>>> *10 26*
>>> *11 27*
>>> *12 36*
>>> *13 37*
>>> *14 38*
>>> *15 39*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 4*
>>> *1 5*
>>> *2 6*
>>> *3 7*
>>> *4 16*
>>> *5 17*
>>> *6 18*
>>> *7 19*
>>> *8 28*
>>> *9 29*
>>> *10 30*
>>> *11 31*
>>> *12 40*
>>> *13 41*
>>> *14 42*
>>> *15 43*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 8*
>>> *1 9*
>>> *2 10*
>>> *3 11*
>>> *4 20*
>>> *5 21*
>>> *6 22*
>>> *7 23*
>>> *8 32*
>>> *9 33*
>>> *10 34*
>>> *11 35*
>>> *12 44*
>>> *13 45*
>>> *14 46*
>>> *15 47*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 48*
>>> *1 49*
>>> *2 50*
>>> *3 51*
>>> *4 60*
>>> *5 61*
>>> *6 62*
>>> *7 63*
>>> *8 72*
>>> *9 73*
>>> *10 74*
>>> *11 75*
>>> *12 84*
>>> *13 85*
>>> *14 86*
>>> *15 87*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 52*
>>> *1 53*
>>> *2 54*
>>> *3 55*
>>> *4 64*
>>> *5 65*
>>> *6 66*
>>> *7 67*
>>> *8 76*
>>> *9 77*
>>> *10 78*
>>> *11 79*
>>> *12 88*
>>> *13 89*
>>> *14 90*
>>> *15 91*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 56*
>>> *1 57*
>>> *2 58*
>>> *3 59*
>>> *4 68*
>>> *5 69*
>>> *6 70*
>>> *7 71*
>>> *8 80*
>>> *9 81*
>>> *10 82*
>>> *11 83*
>>> *12 92*
>>> *13 93*
>>> *14 94*
>>> *15 95*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 96*
>>> *1 97*
>>> *2 98*
>>> *3 99*
>>> *4 108*
>>> *5 109*
>>> *6 110*
>>> *7 111*
>>> *8 120*
>>> *9 121*
>>> *10 122*
>>> *11 123*
>>> *12 132*
>>> *13 133*
>>> *14 134*
>>> *15 135*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 100*
>>> *1 101*
>>> *2 102*
>>> *3 103*
>>> *4 112*
>>> *5 113*
>>> *6 114*
>>> *7 115*
>>> *8 124*
>>> *9 125*
>>> *10 126*
>>> *11 127*
>>> *12 136*
>>> *13 137*
>>> *14 138*
>>> *15 139*
>>> *IS Object: 1 MPI process*
>>> *  type: general*
>>> *Number of indices in set 16*
>>> *0 104*
>>> *1 105*
>>> *2 106*
>>> *3 107*
>>> *4 116*
>>> *5 117*
>>> *6 118*
>>> *7 119*
>>> *8 128*
>>> *9 129*
>>> *10 130*
>>> *11 131*
>>> *12 140*
>>> *13 141*
>>> *14 142*
>>> *15 143*
>>> As you said, no number here reaches 144.
>>> But the number stored in subdomain_IS are 9x16= #subdomains x 16,
>>> whereas I would expect, also given your latest reply, 9x16x16x2=#subdomains
>>> x submatrix height x submatrix width x length of a (row,column) pair.
>>> It would really help me if you could briefly explain how the output
>>> above encodes the subdivision into subdomains.
>>> Many thanks again,
>>> Leonardo
>>> Il giorno mar 9 mag 2023 alle ore 16:24 Matthew Knepley <
>>> knepley at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>> On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 10:05 AM LEONARDO MUTTI <
>>>> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:
>>>>> Great thanks! I can now successfully run
>>>>> https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/blob/main/src/ksp/ksp/tests/ex71f.F90
>>>>> .
>>>>> Going forward with my experiments, let me post a new code snippet
>>>>> (very similar to  ex71f.F90) that I cannot get to work, probably I must be
>>>>> setting up the IS objects incorrectly.
>>>>> I have an 8x8 matrix A=diag(1,1,2,2,...,2) and a
>>>>> vector  b=(0.5,...,0.5). We have only one processor, and I want to solve
>>>>> Ax=b using GASM. In particular, KSP is set to preonly, GASM is the
>>>>> preconditioner and it uses on each submatrix an lu direct solver (sub_ksp =
>>>>> preonly, sub_pc = lu).
>>>>> For the GASM algorithm, I divide A into diag(1,1) and diag(2,2,...,2).
>>>>> For simplicity I set 0 overlap. Now I want to use GASM to solve Ax=b. The
>>>>> code follows.
>>>>> #include <petsc/finclude/petscmat.h>
>>>>> #include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
>>>>> #include <petsc/finclude/petscpc.h>
>>>>>       USE petscmat
>>>>>       USE petscksp
>>>>>       USE petscpc
>>>>>       USE MPI
>>>>>       Mat   :: A
>>>>>       Vec   :: b, x
>>>>>       PetscInt :: M, I, J, ISLen, NSub
>>>>>       PetscMPIInt :: size
>>>>>       PetscErrorCode :: ierr
>>>>>       PetscScalar :: v
>>>>>       KSP            :: ksp
>>>>>       PC             :: pc
>>>>>       IS :: subdomains_IS(2), inflated_IS(2)
>>>>>       PetscInt,DIMENSION(4) :: indices_first_domain
>>>>>       PetscInt,DIMENSION(36) :: indices_second_domain
>>>>>       call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, ierr)
>>>>>       call MPI_Comm_size(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, size, ierr)
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       ! INTRO: create matrix and right hand side
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       WRITE(*,*) "Assembling A,b"
>>>>>       M = 8
>>>>>       DO I=1,M
>>>>>          DO J=1,M
>>>>>             IF ((I .EQ. J) .AND. (I .LE. 2 )) THEN
>>>>>                v = 1
>>>>>             ELSE IF ((I .EQ. J) .AND. (I .GT. 2 )) THEN
>>>>>                v = 2
>>>>>             ELSE
>>>>>                v = 0
>>>>>             ENDIF
>>>>>             call MatSetValue(A, I-1, J-1, v, INSERT_VALUES, ierr)
>>>>>          END DO
>>>>>       END DO
>>>>>       call MatAssemblyBegin(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)
>>>>>       call MatAssemblyEnd(A, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY, ierr)
>>>>>       call VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,b,ierr)
>>>>>       call VecSetSizes(b, PETSC_DECIDE, M,ierr)
>>>>>       call VecSetFromOptions(b,ierr)
>>>>>       do I=1,M
>>>>>          v = 0.5
>>>>>          call VecSetValue(b,I-1,v, INSERT_VALUES,ierr)
>>>>>       end do
>>>>>       call VecAssemblyBegin(b,ierr)
>>>>>       call VecAssemblyEnd(b,ierr)
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       ! FIRST KSP/PC SETUP
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       WRITE(*,*) "KSP/PC first setup"
>>>>>       call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ksp, ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPSetOperators(ksp, A, A, ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPSetType(ksp, 'preonly', ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPGetPC(ksp, pc, ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPSetUp(ksp, ierr)
>>>>>       call PCSetType(pc, PCGASM, ierr)
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       WRITE(*,*) "Setting GASM subdomains"
>>>>>       ! Let's create the subdomain IS and inflated_IS
>>>>>       ! They are equal if no overlap is present
>>>>>       ! They are 1: 0,1,8,9
>>>>>       !          2: 10,...,15,18,...,23,...,58,...,63
>>>>>       indices_first_domain = [0,1,8,9] ! corresponds to diag(1,1)
>>>>>       do I=0,5
>>>>>          do J=0,5
>>>>>             indices_second_domain(I*6+1+J) = 18 + J + 8*I !
>>>>> corresponds to diag(2,2,...,2)
>>>>>             !WRITE(*,*) I*6+1+J, 18 + J + 8*I
>>>>>          end do
>>>>>       end do
>>>>>       ! Convert into IS
>>>>>       ISLen = 4
>>>>>       call ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ISLen,indices_first_domain,
>>>>>      & PETSC_COPY_VALUES, subdomains_IS(1), ierr)
>>>>>       call ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ISLen,indices_first_domain,
>>>>>      & PETSC_COPY_VALUES, inflated_IS(1), ierr)
>>>>>       ISLen = 36
>>>>>       call
>>>>> ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ISLen,indices_second_domain,
>>>>>      & PETSC_COPY_VALUES, subdomains_IS(2), ierr)
>>>>>       call
>>>>> ISCreateGeneral(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ISLen,indices_second_domain,
>>>>>      & PETSC_COPY_VALUES, inflated_IS(2), ierr)
>>>>>       NSub = 2
>>>>>       call PCGASMSetSubdomains(pc,NSub,
>>>>>      & subdomains_IS,inflated_IS,ierr)
>>>>>       call PCGASMDestroySubdomains(NSub,
>>>>>      & subdomains_IS,inflated_IS,ierr)
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       ! GASM: SET SUBSOLVERS
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       WRITE(*,*) "Setting subsolvers for GASM"
>>>>>       call PCSetUp(pc, ierr) ! should I add this?
>>>>>       call PetscOptionsSetValue(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,
>>>>>      & "-sub_pc_type", "lu", ierr)
>>>>>       call PetscOptionsSetValue(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS,
>>>>>      & "-sub_ksp_type", "preonly", ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPSetFromOptions(ksp, ierr)
>>>>>       call PCSetFromOptions(pc, ierr)
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>       WRITE(*,*) "Solve"
>>>>>       call VecDuplicate(b,x,ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPSolve(ksp,b,x,ierr)
>>>>>       call MatDestroy(A, ierr)
>>>>>       call KSPDestroy(ksp, ierr)
>>>>>       call PetscFinalize(ierr)
>>>>> This code is failing in multiple points. At  call PCSetUp(pc, ierr) it
>>>>> produces:
>>>>> *[0]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range*
>>>>> *[0]PETSC ERROR: Scatter indices in ix are out of range*
>>>>> *...*
>>>>> *[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 VecScatterCreate() at
>>>>> ***\src\vec\is\sf\INTERF~1\vscat.c:736*
>>>>> *[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 PCSetUp_GASM() at
>>>>> ***\src\ksp\pc\impls\gasm\gasm.c:433*
>>>>> *[0]PETSC ERROR: #3 PCSetUp() at ***\src\ksp\pc\INTERF~1\precon.c:994*
>>>>> And at call KSPSolve(ksp,b,x,ierr) it produces:
>>>>> *forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation*
>>>>> The index sets are setup coherently with the outputs of e.g.
>>>>> https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/blob/main/src/ksp/ksp/tests/output/ex71f_1.out:
>>>>> in particular each element of the matrix A corresponds to a number from 0
>>>>> to 63.
>>>> This is not correct, I believe. The indices are row/col indices, not
>>>> indices into dense blocks, so for
>>>> your example, they are all in [0, 8].
>>>>   Thanks,
>>>>      Matt
>>>>> Note that each submatrix does not represent some physical subdomain,
>>>>> the subdivision is just at the algebraic level.
>>>>> I thus have the following questions:
>>>>>    - is this the correct way of creating the IS objects, given my
>>>>>    objective at the beginning of the email? Is the ordering correct?
>>>>>    - what am I doing wrong that is generating the above errors?
>>>>> Thanks for the patience and the time.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Leonardo
>>>>> Il giorno ven 5 mag 2023 alle ore 18:43 Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev>
>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>   Added in *barry/2023-05-04/add-pcgasm-set-subdomains *see also
>>>>>> https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/merge_requests/6419
>>>>>>   Barry
>>>>>> On May 4, 2023, at 11:23 AM, LEONARDO MUTTI <
>>>>>> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you for the help.
>>>>>> Adding to my example:
>>>>>> *      call PCGASMSetSubdomains(pc,NSub, subdomains_IS,
>>>>>> inflated_IS,ierr)      call
>>>>>> PCGASMDestroySubdomains(NSub,subdomains_IS,inflated_IS,ierr)*
>>>>>> results in:
>>>>>> *      Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol
>>>>>> PCGASMDESTROYSUBDOMAINS referenced in function ...  *
>>>>>> *      Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol PCGASMSETSUBDOMAINS
>>>>>> referenced in function ...  *
>>>>>> I'm not sure if the interfaces are missing or if I have a compilation
>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>> Thank you again.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Leonardo
>>>>>> Il giorno sab 29 apr 2023 alle ore 20:30 Barry Smith <
>>>>>> bsmith at petsc.dev> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>    Thank you for the test code. I have a fix in the branch
>>>>>>> barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d
>>>>>>> <https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/commits/barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d> with
>>>>>>> merge request https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/merge_requests/6394
>>>>>>>    The functions did not have proper Fortran stubs and interfaces so
>>>>>>> I had to provide them manually in the new branch.
>>>>>>>    Use
>>>>>>>    git fetch
>>>>>>>    git checkout barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d
>>>>>>> <https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/commits/barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d>
>>>>>>>    ./configure etc
>>>>>>>    Your now working test code is in src/ksp/ksp/tests/ex71f.F90  I
>>>>>>> had to change things slightly and I updated the error handling for the
>>>>>>> latest version.
>>>>>>>    Please let us know if you have any later questions.
>>>>>>>   Barry
>>>>>>> On Apr 28, 2023, at 12:07 PM, LEONARDO MUTTI <
>>>>>>> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello. I am having a hard time understanding the index sets to feed
>>>>>>> PCGASMSetSubdomains, and I am working in Fortran (as a PETSc novice). To
>>>>>>> get more intuition on how the IS objects behave I tried the following
>>>>>>> minimal (non) working example, which should tile a 16x16 matrix into 16
>>>>>>> square, non-overlapping submatrices:
>>>>>>> #include <petsc/finclude/petscmat.h>
>>>>>>> #include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
>>>>>>> #include <petsc/finclude/petscpc.h>
>>>>>>>       USE petscmat
>>>>>>>       USE petscksp
>>>>>>>       USE petscpc
>>>>>>>       Mat   :: A
>>>>>>>       PetscInt :: M, NSubx, dof, overlap, NSub
>>>>>>>       INTEGER :: I,J
>>>>>>>       PetscErrorCode      :: ierr
>>>>>>>       PetscScalar :: v
>>>>>>>       KSP            :: ksp
>>>>>>>       PC             :: pc
>>>>>>>       IS :: subdomains_IS, inflated_IS
>>>>>>>       call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER , ierr)
>>>>>>> !-----Create a dummy matrix
>>>>>>>       M = 16
>>>>>>>      & M, M,
>>>>>>>      & A, ierr)
>>>>>>>       DO I=1,M
>>>>>>>          DO J=1,M
>>>>>>>             v = I*J
>>>>>>>             CALL MatSetValue (A,I-1,J-1,v,
>>>>>>>      &                     INSERT_VALUES , ierr)
>>>>>>>          END DO
>>>>>>>       END DO
>>>>>>>       call MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY , ierr)
>>>>>>>       call MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY , ierr)
>>>>>>> !-----Create KSP and PC
>>>>>>>       call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ksp, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call KSPSetOperators(ksp,A,A, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call KSPSetType(ksp,"bcgs",ierr)
>>>>>>>       call KSPGetPC(ksp,pc,ierr)
>>>>>>>       call KSPSetUp(ksp, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call PCSetType(pc,PCGASM, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call PCSetUp(pc , ierr)
>>>>>>> !-----GASM setup
>>>>>>>       NSubx = 4
>>>>>>>       dof = 1
>>>>>>>       overlap = 0
>>>>>>>       call PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D(pc,
>>>>>>>      &      M, M,
>>>>>>>      &      NSubx, NSubx,
>>>>>>>      &      dof, overlap,
>>>>>>>      &      NSub, subdomains_IS, inflated_IS, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call ISView(subdomains_IS, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call KSPDestroy(ksp, ierr)
>>>>>>>       call PetscFinalize(ierr)
>>>>>>> Running this on one processor, I get NSub = 4.
>>>>>>> If PCASM and PCASMCreateSubdomains2D are used instead, I get NSub =
>>>>>>> 16 as expected.
>>>>>>> Moreover, I get in the end "forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception
>>>>>>> - access violation". So:
>>>>>>> 1) why do I get two different results with ASM, and GASM?
>>>>>>> 2) why do I get access violation and how can I solve this?
>>>>>>> In fact, in C, subdomains_IS, inflated_IS should pointers to IS
>>>>>>> objects. As I see on the Fortran interface, the arguments to
>>>>>>> PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D are IS objects:
>>>>>>>        subroutine PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,z)
>>>>>>>        import tPC,tIS
>>>>>>>        PC a ! PC
>>>>>>>        PetscInt b ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        PetscInt c ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        PetscInt d ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        PetscInt e ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        PetscInt f ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        PetscInt g ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        PetscInt h ! PetscInt
>>>>>>>        IS i ! IS
>>>>>>>        IS j ! IS
>>>>>>>        PetscErrorCode z
>>>>>>>        end subroutine PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D
>>>>>>> Thus:
>>>>>>> 3) what should be inside e.g., subdomains_IS? I expect it to
>>>>>>> contain, for every created subdomain, the list of rows and columns defining
>>>>>>> the subblock in the matrix, am I right?
>>>>>>> Context: I have a block-tridiagonal system arising from space-time
>>>>>>> finite elements, and I want to solve it with GMRES+PCGASM preconditioner,
>>>>>>> where each overlapping submatrix is on the diagonal and of size 3x3 blocks
>>>>>>> (and spanning multiple processes). This is PETSc 3.17.1 on Windows.
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>> Leonardo
>>>> --
>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>> experiments lead.
>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>> https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/
>>>> <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
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