[petsc-users] Understanding index sets for PCGASM

LEONARDO MUTTI leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it
Thu May 4 10:23:39 CDT 2023

Thank you for the help.
Adding to my example:

*      call PCGASMSetSubdomains(pc,NSub, subdomains_IS, inflated_IS,ierr)
    call PCGASMDestroySubdomains(NSub,subdomains_IS,inflated_IS,ierr)*
results in:

*      Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol PCGASMDESTROYSUBDOMAINS
referenced in function ...  *

*      Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol PCGASMSETSUBDOMAINS
referenced in function ...  *
I'm not sure if the interfaces are missing or if I have a compilation
Thank you again.

Il giorno sab 29 apr 2023 alle ore 20:30 Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev> ha

>    Thank you for the test code. I have a fix in the branch
> barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d
> <https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/commits/barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d> with
> merge request https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/merge_requests/6394
>    The functions did not have proper Fortran stubs and interfaces so I had
> to provide them manually in the new branch.
>    Use
>    git fetch
>    git checkout barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d
> <https://gitlab.com/petsc/petsc/-/commits/barry/2023-04-29/fix-pcasmcreatesubdomains2d>
>    ./configure etc
>    Your now working test code is in src/ksp/ksp/tests/ex71f.F90  I had to
> change things slightly and I updated the error handling for the latest
> version.
>    Please let us know if you have any later questions.
>   Barry
> On Apr 28, 2023, at 12:07 PM, LEONARDO MUTTI <
> leonardo.mutti01 at universitadipavia.it> wrote:
> Hello. I am having a hard time understanding the index sets to feed
> PCGASMSetSubdomains, and I am working in Fortran (as a PETSc novice). To
> get more intuition on how the IS objects behave I tried the following
> minimal (non) working example, which should tile a 16x16 matrix into 16
> square, non-overlapping submatrices:
> #include <petsc/finclude/petscmat.h>
> #include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
> #include <petsc/finclude/petscpc.h>
>       USE petscmat
>       USE petscksp
>       USE petscpc
>       Mat   :: A
>       PetscInt :: M, NSubx, dof, overlap, NSub
>       INTEGER :: I,J
>       PetscErrorCode      :: ierr
>       PetscScalar :: v
>       KSP            :: ksp
>       PC             :: pc
>       IS :: subdomains_IS, inflated_IS
>       call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER , ierr)
> !-----Create a dummy matrix
>       M = 16
>      & M, M,
>      & A, ierr)
>       DO I=1,M
>          DO J=1,M
>             v = I*J
>             CALL MatSetValue (A,I-1,J-1,v,
>      &                     INSERT_VALUES , ierr)
>          END DO
>       END DO
>       call MatAssemblyBegin(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY , ierr)
>       call MatAssemblyEnd(A,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY , ierr)
> !-----Create KSP and PC
>       call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,ksp, ierr)
>       call KSPSetOperators(ksp,A,A, ierr)
>       call KSPSetType(ksp,"bcgs",ierr)
>       call KSPGetPC(ksp,pc,ierr)
>       call KSPSetUp(ksp, ierr)
>       call PCSetType(pc,PCGASM, ierr)
>       call PCSetUp(pc , ierr)
> !-----GASM setup
>       NSubx = 4
>       dof = 1
>       overlap = 0
>       call PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D(pc,
>      &      M, M,
>      &      NSubx, NSubx,
>      &      dof, overlap,
>      &      NSub, subdomains_IS, inflated_IS, ierr)
>       call ISView(subdomains_IS, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD, ierr)
>       call KSPDestroy(ksp, ierr)
>       call PetscFinalize(ierr)
> Running this on one processor, I get NSub = 4.
> If PCASM and PCASMCreateSubdomains2D are used instead, I get NSub = 16 as
> expected.
> Moreover, I get in the end "forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception -
> access violation". So:
> 1) why do I get two different results with ASM, and GASM?
> 2) why do I get access violation and how can I solve this?
> In fact, in C, subdomains_IS, inflated_IS should pointers to IS objects.
> As I see on the Fortran interface, the arguments to
> PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D are IS objects:
>        subroutine PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,z)
>        import tPC,tIS
>        PC a ! PC
>        PetscInt b ! PetscInt
>        PetscInt c ! PetscInt
>        PetscInt d ! PetscInt
>        PetscInt e ! PetscInt
>        PetscInt f ! PetscInt
>        PetscInt g ! PetscInt
>        PetscInt h ! PetscInt
>        IS i ! IS
>        IS j ! IS
>        PetscErrorCode z
>        end subroutine PCGASMCreateSubdomains2D
> Thus:
> 3) what should be inside e.g., subdomains_IS? I expect it to contain, for
> every created subdomain, the list of rows and columns defining the subblock
> in the matrix, am I right?
> Context: I have a block-tridiagonal system arising from space-time finite
> elements, and I want to solve it with GMRES+PCGASM preconditioner, where
> each overlapping submatrix is on the diagonal and of size 3x3 blocks (and
> spanning multiple processes). This is PETSc 3.17.1 on Windows.
> Thanks in advance,
> Leonardo
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