[petsc-users] How to determine a reasonable relative tolerance to iteratively solve a linear system of equations?

Fangbo Wang fangbowa at buffalo.edu
Tue Mar 14 17:32:22 CDT 2017


I know this is not a problem specific to PETSc, but I have this doubt for a
long time and want to ask the experts here.

Suppose I have a very large linear system of equations with 1.5 million
unkowns. It is common to use relative tolerance as a stopping criteria.

For a small linear system, I usually use 1e-6, or 1e-8, or 1e-10, etc. But
for a very large linear system, do I need to use a relative tolerance much
smaller than the previous I use? (Theoretically I think the relative
tolerance has nothing related to system size).

However, something very weird happens. I used 1e-7 as my relative tolerance
for my linear system  with 1.5 million unknows using conjugate gradient
method with jacobi preconditioner, the solver can not converge to 1e-7 with
10,000 iterations. I can use a larger tolerance but the solution is not

Any one have some  advices? Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Fangbo Wang

Fangbo Wang, PhD student
Stochastic Geomechanics Research Group
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering
University at Buffalo
Email: *fangbowa at buffalo.edu <fangbowa at buffalo.edu>*
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