[petsc-users] Fwd: Issues with the Variational Inequality solver

Justin Chang jychang48 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 15:59:21 CST 2015

Sorry forgot to hit reply all

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From: Justin Chang <jychang48 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Issues with the Variational Inequality solver
To: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>

Matt, for these problems I set an upper bound of 10, so I am not sure
that's related to the problem at hand. However, that is the *next* issue I
will bring up if this current one is resolved ;)

Another thing I found out...

The five case studies I listed used no preconditioner. When I use the
jacobi preconditioner, the Newton and VI solutions are identical.

Whereas these problems now fail:

with Newton:

Case 0:

psiA: 6.297272e-01

psiC: 1.705043e-08

k: 2.000000

cA: 6.297272e-01

cB: 4.616557e-16

cC: 1.705043e-08

Case 1:

psiA: 7.570078e-01

psiC: 1.754758e-08

k: 2.000000

cA: 7.570078e-01

cB: 4.067561e-16

cC: 1.754758e-08

with VI:

Case 0:

psiA: 6.297272e-01

psiC: 1.705043e-08

k: 2.000000

cA: -7.684746e-17

cB: 5.362599e-09

cC: 4.616557e-16

Case 1:

psiA: 7.570078e-01

psiC: 1.754758e-08

k: 2.000000

cA: 3.781787e-16

cB: 1.152521e-08

cC: 4.067561e-16

For the first set of problems, Jacobi works but no preconditioner fails.
For the second set of problems, Jacobi fails but no preconditioner works.



On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 3:00 PM, Justin Chang <jychang48 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Barry,
>> Next issue:
> Barry, when Justin described this problem to me, it sounded like there
> might be a bug in the active set method which
> put in the lower value when it was supposed to be the upper value.
>    Matt
>> Consider the following problem:
>> psiA = cA - 2*cB     (1a)
>> psiC = cC + 2*cB    (1b)
>> cC^2 = k*cA^2*cB  (1c)
>> where psiA, psiC, and k are given. If I solve these five problems using
>> the standard Newton method:
>> Case 0:
>> psiA: 9.400282e-01
>> psiC: 6.045961e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 9.400282e-01
>> cB: 1.555428e-16
>> cC: 6.045961e-09
>> Case 1:
>> psiA: 8.472901e-01
>> psiC: 7.425271e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 8.472901e-01
>> cB: 2.602870e-16
>> cC: 7.425270e-09
>> Case 2:
>> psiA: 8.337199e-01
>> psiC: 7.831614e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 8.337199e-01
>> cB: 2.942675e-16
>> cC: 7.831613e-09
>> Case 3:
>> psiA: 8.268140e-01
>> psiC: 7.912911e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 8.268140e-01
>> cB: 3.029178e-16
>> cC: 7.912910e-09
>> Case 4:
>> psiA: 9.852477e-01
>> psiC: 7.992223e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 9.852477e-01
>> cB: 2.593282e-16
>> cC: 7.992222e-09
>> These solutions are "correct", that is if I plug the c's back into
>> equations (1a)-(1b), i get the original psi's.
>> Now suppose I use the Variational Inequality such that cA/B/C >= 0, I
>> would expect to get the exact same solution (since the c's would be
>> non-negative regardless). But instead I get these solutions:
>> Case 0:
>> psiA: 9.400282e-01
>> psiC: 6.045961e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 1.318866e-16
>> cB: 3.097570e-08
>> cC: 6.045961e-09
>> Case 1:
>> psiA: 8.472901e-01
>> psiC: 7.425271e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 4.624944e-17
>> cB: 3.015792e-08
>> cC: 7.425271e-09
>> Case 2:
>> psiA: 8.337199e-01
>> psiC: 7.831614e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 1.733276e-16
>> cB: 3.079856e-08
>> cC: 7.831614e-09
>> Case 3:
>> psiA: 8.268140e-01
>> psiC: 7.912911e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 1.721078e-16
>> cB: 3.061785e-08
>> cC: 7.912911e-09
>> Case 4:
>> psiA: 9.852477e-01
>> psiC: 7.992223e-09
>> k: 2.000000
>> cA: 2.666770e-16
>> cB: 4.610822e-08
>> cC: 7.992223e-09
>> Basically, the cA's shoot down to zero and the cB's are slightly greater
>> than zero. When I plug the c's into equations (1a) - (1b), I do not get the
>> correct solution at all. I would expect discrepancies if my c's were
>> originally negative, but for these five problems, shouldn't VI give the
>> same answer as the Newton's method?
>> Attached is the petsc4py code, the two input files containing psiA and
>> psiC, and the outputs from '-snes_monitor -snes_view
>> -ksp_monitor_true_residual'. Run as:
>> python testVI.py testA testC 2 <0/1>
>> where 0 is Newton, 1 is VI.
>> Know what's going on here?
>> Thanks,
>> Justin
>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>> > On Dec 2, 2015, at 1:56 PM, Justin Chang <jychang48 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Barry,
>>> >
>>> > So I do not believe there is any problem with the ISEqual() per se,
>>> because what I am doing is I am solving 5151 different VI problem using the
>>> same SNES/KSP/PC/Mat. That is, I am not "resetting" these data structures
>>> once I am done with one problem and move on to the next. If I ran each case
>>> individually, I get no error; the error comes when I run these problems
>>> sequentially without resetting the SNES after each problem.
>>> >
>>> > I haven't run the C debugger or done any of that yet, but could this
>>> be a plausible explanation for my error?
>>>    This is exactly the issue. Independent of VIs if you change the size
>>> of a problem you pass to SNES you need to call SNESReset() between each
>>> call of a different sizes.
>>> > Originally I was thinking about creating/destroying SNES for each
>>> problem but I was wondering if that might affect performance.
>>>    Using SNESReset() is the way you should do it. Creating and
>>> destroying it each time should only be a tiny, immeasurably slower.
>>>   Barry
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Justin
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > On Dec 1, 2015, at 5:13 PM, Justin Chang <jychang48 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > Hi all,
>>> > >
>>> > > So I am running into some issues with the SNESVINEWTONRSLS solver. I
>>> originally had this done in firedrake, but have ported it to petsc4py.
>>> Attached is the code as well as the two required input files.
>>> > >
>>> > > First issue, when I run the program like this:
>>> > >
>>> > > python testVI.py psiA_1 psiB_1 2 1
>>> > >
>>> > > I get this error:
>>> > >
>>> > > Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> > >   File "testVI.py", line 103, in <module>
>>> > >     snes.solve(None,X)
>>> > >   File "PETSc/SNES.pyx", line 520, in petsc4py.PETSc.SNES.solve
>>> (src/petsc4py.PETSc.c:169677)
>>> > > petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code 60
>>> > > [0] SNESSolve() line 3992 in
>>> /Users/justin/Software/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>>> > > [0] SNESSolve_VINEWTONRSLS() line 507 in
>>> /Users/justin/Software/petsc/src/snes/impls/vi/rs/virs.c
>>> > > [0] KSPSetOperators() line 544 in
>>> /Users/justin/Software/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itcreate.c
>>> > > [0] PCSetOperators() line 1170 in
>>> /Users/justin/Software/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>> > > [0] Nonconforming object sizes
>>> > > [0] Cannot change local size of Amat after use old sizes 2 2 new
>>> sizes 3 3
>>> > >
>>> > > No such error occurred when this was ran in firedrake, though I did
>>> notice that -snes_view did indicate that some of the iterations had 2x2
>>> instead of 3x3 matrices. Why is this happening? I thought I should be
>>> solving a 3x3 system each time so why would a 2x2 ever arise?
>>> >
>>> >   Justin,
>>> >
>>> >    For VI's the rs (reduced space solver) solves the linearized
>>> problem on a subset of the variables, thus the size of the linear system
>>> may change from iteration of Newton to the next iteration of Newton.
>>> >
>>> >    In the rs solver we have
>>> >
>>> >     ierr =
>>> ISEqual(vi->IS_inact_prev,vi->IS_inact,&isequal);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> >     if (!isequal) {
>>> >       ierr =
>>> SNESVIResetPCandKSP(snes,jac_inact_inact,prejac_inact_inact);CHKERRQ(ierr);
>>> >     }
>>> >
>>> > so what __should__ happen is that if the size of the reduced space
>>> changes KSPReset() is called on the KSP allowing the KSP/PC to handle a
>>> different sized system then before. But why doesn't it work? Why isn't
>>> KSPReset() called? Somehow the ISEqual is not working.
>>> >
>>> >    Can you run the C debugger and put a breakpoint in the ISEqual()
>>> then check the inputs and see if it is correctly setting the isequal to
>>> false when it should?  Each time the vi->IS_inact changes the KSPReset()
>>> should get called. You can check this in the debugger.
>>> >
>>> >    Barry
>>> >
>>> > >
>>> > > More issues to come :)
>>> > >
>>> > > Thanks,
>>> > > Justin
>>> > > <testVI.py><psiA_1><psiB_1>
>>> >
>>> >
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
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