[petsc-users] help: (petsc-dev) + petsc4py acessing the tao optimizations solvers ?

André Timótheo atmmachado at gmail.com
Wed May 14 09:29:52 CDT 2014

p.s. I am not quite sure of the need of petsc-dev. I Just read about the
inclusion of tao solvers in it and installed petsc-dev, cython and petsc4py
on my ubuntu 12.04.

Unfortunately petsc4py (and the old tao4py) documentation does not have
this type of python documented examples. After some correspondence in
petsc4py mailing list they suggested that I might find some help on
petsc-users mailing list.

2014-05-14 10:07 GMT-03:00 André Timótheo <atmmachado at gmail.com>:

>  I read about the merger of the TAO solvers on the PETSC-DEV.
>     How can I use the TAO's constrainded optimization solver on
> the PETSC-DEV (via petsc4py)?
>     Can you show me some simple python script to deal with classical
> linear
> constrainded optimization problems like:
>         minimize sum(x) subject to x >= 0 and Ax = b
>     Thanks for your time.
>  Andre
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