[petsc-users] Configuration of Hybrid MPI-OpenMP

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Jan 29 20:08:03 CST 2014

Danyang Su <danyang.su at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Karli,
> "--with-threadcomm --with-openmp" can work when configure PETSc with 
> MPI-OpenMP. Sorry for making a mistake before.
> The program can be compiled but I got a new error while running my program.
> Error: Attempting to use an MPI routine before initializing MPICH
> This error occurs when calling MPI_SCATTERV. I have already called 
> PetscInitialize, and MPI_BCAST, which is just before the calling of 
> MPI_SCATTERV, can also work without throwing error.
> When PETSc is configured without openmp, there is no error in this section.

Are you calling this inside an omp parallel block?  Are you initializing
MPI with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE?  Do you have other threads doing something
with MPI?

I'm afraid we'll need a reproducible test case if it still doesn't work
for you.
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