[petsc-users] Petsc with open mpi 1.7

Suraj Prabhakaran s.prabhakaran at grs-sim.de
Tue Sep 17 10:57:44 CDT 2013


I am trying to compile petsc with openmpi 1.7 version. I can compile and install petsc successfully. but my application doesn't run since petsc is not able to find the libmpi_f77.so.1 and libmpi_f90.so.1.
The problem is, in openmpi 1.7 version, these fotran libraries are completely replaced with libmpi_mpifh.so

When I configure petsc with this mpi (I specifiy --with-mpi-dir option), I can see from the output that petsc only uses the libmpi_mpifh library rather than the other two. But still, when petsc is linked with my application, the binary ends up looking for libmpi_f90 and libmpi_f77, along with the correct libmpi_mpifh.

To really be sure, I also used a hello world program and linked it with all libraries to see which one really asks for libmpi_f90 and libmpi_f77 and it was for sure libpetsc.so.

Has anyone tried to compile and use petsc with openmpi 1.7 series? 
Is there anything special I have to do for this case?


Suraj Prabhakaran

German Research School for
Simulation Sciences GmbH
Laboratory for Parallel Progreamming
52062 Aachen | Germany

Tel    	+49 241 80 99743
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EMail 	s.prabhakaran at grs-sim.de
Web  	www.grs-sim.de

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