[petsc-users] Convergence problem in solving a symmetric positive definite matrix in a CFD code

Xiao, Jianjun (IKET) jianjun.xiao at kit.edu
Wed Dec 4 08:59:39 CST 2013


I am using Petsc to solve the linear equation in a CFD code. The matrix is symmetric positive definite.

Please find my input and output below. 

1. When I used KSPCR solver, ||r(i)||/||b|| is inf. What is the reason? Does it mean ||b|| is zero? When I used the KSPLGMRES solver, it seems ||r(i)||/||b|| is OK. However, it seems the calculated results are not right. 

2. I am not sure if I set the solver and matrix properly. Did I miss something? 

Thank you.


       CALL KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,solver,ierr)
       CALL DMSetMatType(da_ksp,MATMPISBAIJ,ierr)
       CALL DMCreateMatrix(da_ksp,mat,ierr)
       CALL MatZeroEntries(mat,ierr)
       CALL MatAssemblyBegin(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr)
       CALL MatAssemblyEnd(mat,MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY,ierr)

       CALL KSPSetOperators(solver,mat,mat,SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN,ierr)

!      CALL KSPSetType(solver,KSPCR,ierr)
       CALL KSPSetType(solver,KSPLGMRES,ierr)
       epsi = 1.0-e5
       CALL KSPSetTolerances(solver,epsi,PETSC_DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PRECISION,&
           & PETSC_DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PRECISION,itmax,ierr)

       CALL KSPGetPC(solver,gfprec,ierr)
       CALL PCSetType(prec,PCBJACOBI,ierr)

       CALL KSPMonitorSet(solver,KSPMonitorTrueResidualNorm,&

       CALL KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(solver,PETSC_TRUE,ierr)
       CALL KSPSolve(solver,bvec,xsol,ierr)

       CALL KSPGetIterationNumber(solver,iter,ierr)
       CALL KSPGetResidualNorm(solver,dmax,ierr)

OUTPUT CALL KSPSetType(solver,KSPCR,ierr):

  0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.226482634319e+05 true resid norm 1.204978940624e+07 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  1 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.684243557244e+05 true resid norm 6.742321430949e+06 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  2 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.039386033131e+05 true resid norm 5.094347016880e+06 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  3 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.767761162917e+04 true resid norm 2.085014289432e+06 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  4 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.220316358489e+04 true resid norm 1.039841616110e+06 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  5 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.009108756815e+04 true resid norm 6.764592620620e+05 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  6 KSP preconditioned resid norm 7.266143334386e+03 true resid norm 4.713756053613e+05 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  7 KSP preconditioned resid norm 4.925270026573e+03 true resid norm 3.276759177651e+05 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  8 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.595039666791e+03 true resid norm 1.774916597474e+05 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
  9 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.970388137453e+03 true resid norm 1.449811653036e+05 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 10 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.455914234388e+03 true resid norm 7.916294162841e+04 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 11 KSP preconditioned resid norm 8.335194818556e+02 true resid norm 4.530953608250e+04 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 12 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.022320555777e+02 true resid norm 1.728551635678e+04 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 13 KSP preconditioned resid norm 7.190336024797e+01 true resid norm 4.186842086105e+03 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 14 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.718291655675e+01 true resid norm 1.089751055004e+03 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 15 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.150683059424e+01 true resid norm 8.672405273471e+02 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 16 KSP preconditioned resid norm 8.663479440949e+00 true resid norm 5.776737380768e+02 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 17 KSP preconditioned resid norm 5.282161990683e+00 true resid norm 2.977735906695e+02 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 18 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.802629315725e+00 true resid norm 2.789114564993e+02 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
 19 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.722575171383e+00 true resid norm 1.051323829526e+02 ||r(i)||/||b||            inf
KSP Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: cr
  maximum iterations=1000
  tolerances:  relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
  left preconditioning
  using nonzero initial guess
  using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: bjacobi
    block Jacobi: number of blocks = 1
    Local solve is same for all blocks, in the following KSP and PC objects:
    KSP Object:    (sub_)     1 MPI processes
      type: preonly
      maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
      tolerances:  relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
      left preconditioning
      using NONE norm type for convergence test
    PC Object:    (sub_)     1 MPI processes
      type: icc
        0 levels of fill
        tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
        using Manteuffel shift [POSITIVE_DEFINITE]
        matrix ordering: natural
        factor fill ratio given 1, needed 1
          Factored matrix follows:
            Mat Object:             1 MPI processes
              type: seqsbaij
              rows=27, cols=27
              package used to perform factorization: petsc
              total: nonzeros=81, allocated nonzeros=81
              total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
                  block size is 1
      linear system matrix = precond matrix:
      Mat Object:       1 MPI processes
        type: seqsbaij
        rows=27, cols=27
        total: nonzeros=81, allocated nonzeros=108
        total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
            block size is 1
  linear system matrix = precond matrix:
  Mat Object:   1 MPI processes
    type: mpisbaij
    rows=27, cols=27
    total: nonzeros=81, allocated nonzeros=135
    total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
        block size is 1


  0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.362537325084e+04 true resid norm 1.138584383312e+06 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.000000000000e+00
  1 KSP preconditioned resid norm 8.501213683423e+03 true resid norm 3.655528853686e+05 ||r(i)||/||b|| 3.210591070162e-01
  2 KSP preconditioned resid norm 5.487567253725e+03 true resid norm 3.005741194777e+05 ||r(i)||/||b|| 2.639893220769e-01
  3 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.470452880657e+03 true resid norm 1.545469272201e+05 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.357360328187e-01
  4 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.750803325456e+03 true resid norm 1.182312309352e+05 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.038405520646e-01
  5 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.123492053552e+03 true resid norm 6.754319630701e+04 ||r(i)||/||b|| 5.932208213726e-02
  6 KSP preconditioned resid norm 5.150241959277e+02 true resid norm 3.689413898730e+04 ||r(i)||/||b|| 3.240351749775e-02
  7 KSP preconditioned resid norm 4.182894544871e+02 true resid norm 3.052196222024e+04 ||r(i)||/||b|| 2.680693909701e-02
  8 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.520093155629e+02 true resid norm 1.880976788356e+04 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.652031079932e-02
  9 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.186491314806e+02 true resid norm 6.797080217853e+03 ||r(i)||/||b|| 5.969764136483e-03
 10 KSP preconditioned resid norm 5.851092821372e+01 true resid norm 2.973659280245e+03 ||r(i)||/||b|| 2.611716201127e-03
 11 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.669909189055e+01 true resid norm 5.658829814125e+02 ||r(i)||/||b|| 4.970057465277e-04
 12 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.090594692756e+00 true resid norm 2.161527454147e+02 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.898434130864e-04
 13 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.164618839184e+00 true resid norm 1.620745991834e+02 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.423474637093e-04
 14 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.291593952428e+00 true resid norm 9.095542547366e+01 ||r(i)||/||b|| 7.988465923722e-05
 15 KSP preconditioned resid norm 6.100583411632e-01 true resid norm 4.021646656091e+01 ||r(i)||/||b|| 3.532146334551e-05
 16 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.723496807925e-01 true resid norm 1.676660466866e+01 ||r(i)||/||b|| 1.472583403954e-05
 17 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.377718471538e-01 true resid norm 8.551854245272e+00 ||r(i)||/||b|| 7.510953400221e-06
KSP Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: lgmres
    GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
    GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
    LGMRES: aug. dimension=2
    LGMRES: number of matvecs=170
  maximum iterations=1000
  tolerances:  relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
  left preconditioning
  using nonzero initial guess
  using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: bjacobi
    block Jacobi: number of blocks = 1
    Local solve is same for all blocks, in the following KSP and PC objects:
    KSP Object:    (sub_)     1 MPI processes
      type: preonly
      maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
      tolerances:  relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
      left preconditioning
      using NONE norm type for convergence test
    PC Object:    (sub_)     1 MPI processes
      type: icc
        0 levels of fill
        tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
        using Manteuffel shift [POSITIVE_DEFINITE]
        matrix ordering: natural
        factor fill ratio given 1, needed 1
          Factored matrix follows:
            Mat Object:             1 MPI processes
              type: seqsbaij
              rows=27, cols=27
              package used to perform factorization: petsc
              total: nonzeros=81, allocated nonzeros=81
              total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
                  block size is 1
      linear system matrix = precond matrix:
      Mat Object:       1 MPI processes
        type: seqsbaij
        rows=27, cols=27
        total: nonzeros=81, allocated nonzeros=108
        total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
            block size is 1
  linear system matrix = precond matrix:
  Mat Object:   1 MPI processes
    type: mpisbaij
    rows=27, cols=27
    total: nonzeros=81, allocated nonzeros=135
    total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0

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