[petsc-users] Now Hiring!

Gaston, Derek R derek.gaston at inl.gov
Thu Sep 27 13:24:10 CDT 2012


I run the MOOSE (Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment)
computational framework team at Idaho National Laboratory (INL).  MOOSE is
built on libMesh (http://libmesh.sourceforge.net) and PETSc and provides a
pluggable, modular interface facilitating the rapid development of complex
multiphysics analysis tools.  MOOSE is at the center of an evolving
ecosystem of multiphysics analysis tools that do everything from
microstructure modeling of nuclear fuel to groundwater migration and
chemical transport analysis.

This is a high-profile project... in fact I recently travelled to
Washington, DC to receive the Presidential Early Career Award for
Scientists and Engineers (PECASE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PECASE) from
President Obama for my work on MOOSE (

Our user-base has been rapidly increasing over the last couple of years and
it's become apparent that it's time to add a few people to the team!  We
are a close-knit team working in a high-impact, fast-paced environment.
 We're looking for self-motivated people who are going to mesh well with
the team.  This position provides many opportunities including travel to
conferences and plenty of time for writing research journal articles.  This
is a _staff_ position... _not_ a post-doc or temporary position.

Familiarity with packages such as libMesh, PETSc and Trilinos is preferred.
 A good knowledge of C++ and object-oriented design is required.  A
background in finite-element methods and numerical methods in general is

INL is located in southeast Idaho: 2 hours from Yellowstone National Park
and 1.5 hours from Jackson Hole Wyoming.  It's a beautiful piece of country
offering many opportunities for anyone interested in outdoor activities
(including world-class skiing!).

If you are interested, you can apply for the position by going to
http://inlrecruiting.inl.gov and searching for the keyword "MOOSE"  (also
it is Job # 7285).

Here are a couple of our publications in case you want more info about what
we do:

 - D. Gaston, C. Newman, G. Hansen, and D. Lebrun-Grandié. MOOSE: A
parallel computational framework for coupled systems of nonlinear
equations. Nucl. Eng. Design, 239:1768–1778, 2009.
 - R.L. Williamson, J.D. Hales, S.R. Novascone, M.R. Tonks, D.R. Gaston,
C.J. Permann, D. Andrs, and R.C. Martineau. Multidimensional multiphysics
simulation of nuclear fuel behavior. Journal of Nuclear Materials,
423:149–63, 2012.
 - J. D. Hales, S. R. Novascone, R. L. Williamson, D. R. Gaston, and M. R.
Tonks. Solving nonlinear solid mechanics problems with the Jacobian-free
Newton Krylov method. CMES: Comput. Model. Eng. Sci., 84(2):123–154, 2012.
 - M.R. Tonks, D. Gaston, P.C. Millett, D. Andrs, and P. Talbot. An
object-oriented finite element framework for multiphysics phase field
simulations. Comp. Mat. Sci., 51(1):20–29, 2012.

Feel free to email me personally (derek.gaston at inl.gov) if you have any
questions at all!

Derek Gaston
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