[petsc-users] MKL BLAS interface inconsistency

Alexander Grayver agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de
Thu Jan 19 08:30:39 CST 2012

Dear petsc team,

I've been struggling with this problem for a long time and seeking for 
your advice now.
Let's take simple petsc program:

#include <petscksp.h>
int main(int argc,char **args)
   Vec                b;
   PetscReal      norm;

   PetscInitialize(&argc,&args,(char *)0,NULL);


   return 0;

This program works well if I compile petsc with non-mkl blas/lapack.
However, if I compile petsc with mkl blas/lapack this program crashes:

zdotc,                   FP=7fff8f121e30
VecNorm_Seq,    FP=7fff8f121f90
VecNorm_Seq,    FP=7fff8f1220f0
VecNorm,            FP=7fff8f122230
main,                   FP=7fff8f122290

It crashes in zdotc. You call this routine as following:

*z = BLASdot_(&bn,xx,&one,xx,&one);

When I look at the zdotc interface in mkl.h I see:
void    ZDOTC(MKL_Complex16 *pres, const MKL_INT *n, const MKL_Complex16 
*x, const MKL_INT *incx, const  MKL_Complex16 *y, const MKL_INT *incy);

I also found example here: 
There are 6 input parameters. But in "classical" BLAS implementation 5 
input and 1 output.

For example, NORM_1 works well since interface to dzasum is the same.

Any ideas?


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