[petsc-users] Help with MatTranspose

Bisht, Gautam bishtg at ornl.gov
Mon Feb 20 16:25:59 CST 2012


I have a MPIAIJ matrix A as listed below:

row 0: (36, 1)  (37, 1)  (42, 1)  (43, 1) 
row 1: (37, 1)  (38, 1)  (43, 1)  (44, 1) 
row 2: (38, 1)  (39, 1)  (44, 1)  (45, 1) 
row 3: (39, 1)  (40, 1)  (45, 1)  (46, 1) 
row 4: (40, 1)  (41, 1)  (46, 1)  (47, 1) 

When I try to transpose the matrix, while running on 2 processors, the code crashes. Attached below is the F90 code. I would appreciate any help in figuring out why the code crashes.


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