[petsc-users] Solving a very simple time step problem:

Andrew Spott andrew.spott at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 18:49:42 CDT 2012

I want to solve a very simple equation:

u_t = F(t) u

Where F(t) = H_0 + a(t) H' (H_0 and H' are constant matrices, and a(t) is a time dependent scalar).

But I'm not sure how to go about doing this using the TS context.

I don't have a Jacobian that I need to be worried about, so should I be doing:


myRHSFunction(TS ts,PetscReal t,Vec u,Vec F,void *ctx)
	//Create temporary matrix A = H_0 + a(t) H'
	//then do F = A u

Or should I be doing something else?

Thanks for the help, unfortunately, it looks like the documentation on TS in the manual isn't accurate.


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