[petsc-users] How to skip checking in SNES

behzad baghapour behzad.baghapour at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 02:09:32 CDT 2012

Dear All,

I want to turn off checking the convergence in SNES actually when the KSP
did not convergence due to low number of subspaces. I did the following:

PetscErrorCode solver::SNESConvTest( SNES snes, PetscInt it, PetscReal xn,
PetscReal gn, PetscReal f, SNESConvergedReason* res, void* ctx)
    PetscFunctionReturn( 0 );

but I still receives the stopping alert:

Linear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_ITS iterations 30
Nonlinear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_LINEAR_SOLVE

Then what is the proper way?

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