[petsc-users] Outer Product of two vectors

Harsh Sharma hsharma.tgjobs at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 14:38:44 CDT 2010


I noticed that PETSc doesn't have a routine to compute
the outer product of two Vec objects.

Specifically, I want to compute the outer product for two
Vec objects that are large enough to require storage on
multiple processors.

If I write my own routine in such a way that it performs
local computations of the entries of the outer product
matrix (called OP from hereon), say using
VecGetOwnershipRange to retrieve local entries of the
two vectors (Vec a and Vec b) and then computing local
blocks of OP, then there will be parts of OP that will not
be computed.

Say we have 3 processors, and
Vec a is (2,4,8,16,32), Vec b is (1, 1/2, 1/4). Then the
above approach will produce OP as

2 - -
4 - -
- 4 -
- 8 -
- - 8

instead of

2    1   0.5
4    2   1
8    4   2
16   8   4
32  16  8

So, I chose to implement my routine in this way instead >>
I would convert the "row" vector {vector b in a*transpose(b) }
into an array of PetscScalar values, using PetscMalloc.
Then, I run a for-loop traversing this array-version of vector b
where in each iteration of the loop, the processor-specific
part of vector a is scaled with the element of b that is being
accessed in the loop. Then MatSetValues is called to set
the scaled part-of-vector-a in the right locations in OP.

However, this approach is also producing the same result as
above. My guess is that the array-version of Vec b created
using PetscMalloc is not a globally visible array that is being accessed
by each processor -- instead, each processor is creating its own
version of array-vector-b and then again computing only parts of
OP. Further, I think this probably has to do with the fact that
the routine PetscMalloc is not collective.

How do I get an array of PetscScalar values that is not
processor-specific but is visible to all processors? If this
cannot be done, how do I go about computing the outer
product of two vectors?

I am appending my code (routine to compute outer product and
the "main" function) and sample output with this mail.

Thanks very much,

---- code and sample output ----

static char helpMsg[] = "\nComputes outer product of two vectors.\n";
#include "petscmat.h"

// function to compute outer-product matrix of two vectors
PetscErrorCode MyMPIVecOuterProd(Mat OP, Vec a, Vec b, InsertMode addV)
       for vectors a and b, computes a.transpose(b) and
       adds/stores the resulting  outer-product matrix
       to/in the matrix OP

    PetscInt nRows = 0;   /* number of rows of OP matrix */
    PetscInt nCols = 0;   /* number of columns of OP matrix */
    PetscInt nA = 0;   /* length of vector a */
    PetscInt nB = 0;   /* length of vector b */

    PetscScalar *locAVals;   /* array to hold local vector a values */
    PetscScalar *locSAVals;   /* array to hold scaled local vector a values
    PetscScalar *locBVals;   /* array to hold local vector b values */
    PetscScalar *bArr;   /* array to hold the entire vector b */

    PetscInt aLow,aHigh,bLow,bHigh;   /* local index-range limits */
    PetscInt ia,ib;   /* for-loop index variables for a and b vectors */
    PetscInt * locRowIdxOP;   /* locally-set OP column indices for
MatSetValues */

    PetscScalar curBVal;   /* value of vector b's component with which to
scale vector a */

    /* get the dimension of vector a */
    /* get the dimension of vector b */

    /* get the dimensions of outer-product matrix */

    /* check for dimensional compatibility */
    if ((nRows != nA) || (nCols != nB)) {
        SETERRQ(1,"Error: MyMPIVecOuterProd: Dimensional Incompatibility!");

    /* --------------------------------------------- */
    /* first, convert vector b into array of scalars */
    /* --------------------------------------------- */

    /* allocate memory for array-representation of vector b */

    /* do local assignment from vector b values to array-representation */
    /* first, obtain local range of vector b */
    VecGetOwnershipRange(b,&bLow,&bHigh); // bHigh is one more than highest
local index
    /* then, obtain pointer to local elements of vector b */
    /* then, assign local values of vector b to corresponding locations in
bArr */
    for (ib = bLow; ib < bHigh; ib++) {
        *(bArr + ib) = *(locBVals + ib - bLow);
    } // end of b for loop
    /* finally, restore local elements of vector b */

    /* ------------------------------------------------- */
    /* next, scale local values of vector a and add them */
    /* to corresponding locations in the OP matrix       */
    /* ------------------------------------------------- */

    /* first, obtain local range of vector a */
    VecGetOwnershipRange(a,&aLow,&aHigh); // aHigh is one more than highest
local index
    /* then, obtain pointer to local elements of vector a */
    /* allocate memory for local array-of-scaled-vector-a-values */
    /* allocate memory for locally-set OP row indices */

    /* set locally-set OP row indices */
    for (ia = 0; ia < aHigh-aLow; ia++) {
        *(locRowIdxOP + ia) = ia + aLow;
    } // end of for : set locally-set OP row indices

    /* next, for each component of vector b (bArr), scale local vector a
values */
    /* and set them up in the corresponding locations in the OP matrix */
    for (ib = 0; ib < nB; ib++) {
        /* get component of vector b to scale with */
        curBVal = *(bArr + ib);
        /* scale vector a local values */
        for (ia = 0; ia < aHigh-aLow; ia++) {
            *(locSAVals + ia) = (*(locAVals + ia)) * curBVal;
        } // end of for: scale local vector a values
        /* set scaled values in appropriate locations in OP */
    } // end of for: set scaled values in OP matrix

    /* next, restore local elements of vector a */
    /* free memory for local row indices of OP */
    /* free memory for local scaled vector a values */
    /* free memory for array representation of vector b */

    /* ------------------------------- */
    /* finally, assemble the OP matrix */
    /* ------------------------------- */


int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    PetscInt n1=5;   /* first vector's dim */
    PetscInt n2=3;   /* second vector's dim */

    Vec v1;   /* n1x1 supervector */
    Vec v2;   /* n2x1 reduced-dimension representation of y */
    Mat OP1;   /* n1xn2 outer-product matrix */

    PetscInt ii;   /* for-loop index variables */

    PetscInt * locRowIdx1;   /* locally-set row indices for VecSetValues */
    PetscScalar * locRowVals1; /* array to hold local vector values */
    PetscInt low1, high1;   /* variables to get local-indices' range */

    PetscInt * locRowIdx2;   /* locally-set row indices for VecSetValues */
    PetscScalar * locRowVals2; /* array to hold local vector values */
    PetscInt low2, high2;   /* variables to get local-indices' range */




    /* set locally-set indices and values */
    for (ii = 0; ii < high1-low1; ii++) {
        *(locRowIdx1 + ii) = ii + low1;
        *(locRowVals1 + ii) = pow(2,ii+low1+1);
    } // end of for : set locally-set indices and values
    PetscFree(locRowIdx1); errCode += PetscFree(locRowVals1);
    /* now, assemble the vector v1 */

    /* set locally-set indices and values */
    for (ii = 0; ii < high2-low2; ii++) {
        *(locRowIdx2 + ii) = ii + low2;
        *(locRowVals2 + ii) = 1.0 / pow(2,ii+low2);
    } // end of for : set locally-set indices and values
    PetscFree(locRowIdx2); errCode += PetscFree(locRowVals2);
    /* now, assemble the vector v2 */

    MyMPIVecOuterProd(OP1, v1, v2, INSERT_VALUES);

    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---- vector v1 ----\n");
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---- vector v1 ----\n");
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---- vector v2 ----\n");
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---- vector v2 ----\n");

    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---- matrix OP1 ----\n");
    PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,"---- matrix OP1 ----\n");

    /* destroy OP1 */
    /* destroy v1 */
    /* destroy v2 */

    return 0;

[hsharma at ifp-32]$ petscmpiexec -np 3 ./OuterProductCheckOutput

---- vector v1 ----
Process [0]
Process [1]
Process [2]
---- vector v1 ----
---- vector v2 ----
Process [0]
Process [1]
Process [2]
---- vector v2 ----
---- matrix OP1 ----
2.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00
4.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00
0.0000000000000000e+00 4.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00
0.0000000000000000e+00 8.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00
0.0000000000000000e+00 0.0000000000000000e+00 8.0000000000000000e+00
---- matrix OP1 ----

---- code and sample output ----
-------------- next part --------------
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