Krylov vectors of matrix-free KSP

Barry Smith bsmith at
Thu Sep 24 11:31:27 CDT 2009

    I assume that you are working with GMRES? If so, rather than  
trying to "trap" this information during the computation I suggest  
using the data structures that KSPGMRES constructs AFTER the solve to  
do your own calculations. The GMRES data structure is defined in src/ 
ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/gmresp.h and the code that uses it is in the  
various source files in that directory.


On Sep 24, 2009, at 10:42 AM, SUN Chun wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for the intrusion.
> I am planning to use MATSHELL together with KSP to achieve matrix-free
> Krylov solve. I understand that I need to provide a function as MatVec
> to build the Krylov space.
> I also want to retain all the input vectors that I got from PETSC.  
> i.e.
> I want to keep the Krylov vectors on my own side, together with some
> intermediate results. However I found that my MatVec is not only  
> called
> during the building of Krylov space, it's also called else where like
> initialization and norm calculation. If I say -ksp_norm_type=no, the
> number of MatVec calls might still slightly off from what I see for  
> the
> number of iterations.
> I just want to check: Is there a way to know if a particular MatVec  
> call
> is from Krylov iteration or from elsewhere like norm check?
> Or after -ksp_norm_type=no I should see exactly the same number of
> Krylov iterations comparing to the number that MatVec is called?
> The reason for doing this is that I want to obtain each coefficient of
> all the Krylov basis from *this* solve and use them elsewhere to build
> solution to another related equation from the same Krylov space. I  
> guess
> I can't access these coefficients but if I can take advantage of all
> vectors being orthogonal, I can recover the coefficients in a rather
> cheap way. Do you see any way around this?
> Thank you very much,
> Chun

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