Parallel Cholesky solve

Barry Smith bsmith at
Sun Oct 25 12:48:48 CDT 2009

On Oct 25, 2009, at 12:37 PM, VASIA KALAVRI wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I have created a matrix of type MATMPIAIJ and I want to perform  
> Cholesky factorization on it in order to solve a linear system.
> I have downloaded the Pastix package and I use MAT_SOLVER_PASTIX as  
> an argument to MatGetFactor() but I get the following error message:
> "No support for this operation for this object type!
> Cannot use PETSc AIJ matrices with PaStiX Cholesky, use SBAIJ matrix!"
> Is there a way to use parralel Cholesky factorization with MATMPIAIJ  
> type instead of SBAIJ?


    Why not just create a MATMPISBAIJ or use MatConvert() to take the  


> Thanks.
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