
jarunan at ascomp.ch jarunan at ascomp.ch
Tue Nov 3 04:26:11 CST 2009


When I use option -malloc_log, it prints the information at the end of  
running as below. The question is: What are the 2 numbers in front of  
the function? e.g.
2 3216 ClassPerfLogCreate()

What is 2 and what is 3216?

Thank you


0: [0] Maximum memory PetscMalloc()ed 2713976 maximum size of entire  
process 30131728
0: [0] Memory usage sorted by function
0: [0] 2 3216 ClassPerfLogCreate()
0: [0] 2 1616 ClassRegLogCreate()
0: [0] 2 6416 EventPerfLogCreate()
0: [0] 1 12800 EventPerfLogEnsureSize()
0: [0] 2 1616 EventRegLogCreate()
0: [0] 1 3200 EventRegLogRegister()
0: [0] 40 5760 ISCreateBlock()
0: [0] 160 701184 ISCreateGeneral()
0: [0] 96 12096 ISCreateStride()
0: [0] 24 342400 ISGetIndices_Stride()
0: [0] 8 171200 ISInvertPermutation_General()
0: [0] 48 13312 KSPCreate()
0: [0] 8 1280 KSPCreate_GMRES()
0: [0] 16 256 KSPDefaultConvergedCreate()
0: [0] 8 2048 KSPGMRESClassicalGramSchmidtOrthogonalization()

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