include file fortran

Matthew Knepley knepley at
Fri May 15 17:00:27 CDT 2009

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Tahar Amari <amari at>wrote:

> I am sorry (I might have missed something)
>  If you want to use C++, you should configure using --with-clanguage=cxx.
>> Then you will get the C++ linker.
> I do not really want to use C++ linker
> I did it with the C Linker and got an error. I do not see where the C++ is
> now used

You have C++ code in there somewhere. It is hard to see what is going on
since we do not have the source.


> Tahar
> cc  -o  mh4d mh4d.o petsc.o comm.o setbc.o local.o gridutil.o mympi.o
> terminator.o operator.o shellsort.o edge.o side.o vertex.o tetrahedron.o
> rotation.o tetrahedralgrid.o field.o   -I/usr/local/hdf/HDF4.2r1/include
> -L/usr/local/hdf/HDF4.2r1/lib -lmfhdf -ldf -lsz -ljpeg -lz
> -L/usr/local/petsc/macx/lib -lpetscsnes -lpetscvec -lpetscmat -lpetsccontrib
> -lpetscts -lpetscdm -lpetscksp -lpetsc -lmpich -lmpichcxx -lpmpich -lfmpich
> -lmpichf90 -lparmetis -lmetis -lfblas -lflapack  -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXt
> -lXext -lX11  -L/usr/local/petsc/macx/lib -lpetscsnes -lpetscvec -lpetscmat
> -lpetsccontrib -lpetscts -lpetscdm -lpetscksp -lpetsc -lmpich -lmpichcxx
> -lpmpich -lfmpich -lmpichf90 -lparmetis -lmetis -lfblas -lflapack
> Undefined symbols:
>  "std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>,
> std::allocator<char> >::basic_ostringstream(std::_Ios_Openmode)", referenced
> from:
>      PetscErrorCxx(int, char const*, char const*, char const*, int, int)in
> libpetsc.a(err.o)
>      PETSc::Exception::Exception(std::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)in libpetsc.a(err.o)
>  "_for_stop_core", referenced from:
>      _advmom_cv_ in mh4d.o
>      _advmom_cv_ in mh4d.o
>      _advmom_cv_ in mh4d.o
>      _terminators_mp_terminator_ in terminator.o
>      _terminators_mp_terminator_all_ in terminator.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_zero_bndr_tvv_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_zero_bndr_tvv_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_idnt_bndr_tvv_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_idnt_bndr_tvv_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_operator_bc_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_operator_bc_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_tvvaxpy_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_tvvaxpy_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_scalar_bc_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_scalar_bc_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_zero_bndr_tvs_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_zero_bndr_tvs_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_operator_bc0_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_operator_bc0_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_operator_bct_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_v2v_operator_bct_ in tetrahedralgrid.o
>      _xerbla_ in libfblas.a(xerbla.o)
>  "_for_exit", referenced from:
>      _tetrahedralgrid_mod_mp_partition_tetragrid_ in tetrahedralgrid.o

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments
is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments
-- Norbert Wiener
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