Can PETSc detect the number of CPUs on each computer node?

Satish Balay balay at
Tue Jun 16 13:13:16 CDT 2009

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Matthew Knepley wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:38 PM, xiaoyin ji <sapphire.jxy at> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I'm using PETSc MATMPIAIJ and ksp solver. It seems that PETSc will run
> > obviously faster if I set the number of CPUs close to the number of
> > computer nodes in the job file. By default MPIAIJ matrix is stored in
> > different processors and ksp solver will communicate for each step,
> > however since on each node several CPUs share the same memory while
> > ksp may still try to communicate through network card, this may mess
> > up a bit. Is there any way to detect which CPUs are sharing the same
> > memory? Thanks a lot.
> The interface for this is mpirun or the job submission mechanism.

One additional note: If you are scheduling multiple MPI jobs on the
same machine [because its has multiple cores] - the reduced
performance you notice could be due to 2 issues:

* MPI not communicating optimally between the cores within the same node.

For ex: mpich2-1 default install - i.e device=nemesis tries to be
efficient for comunication between multiple cores within the node - as
well as between nodes. [There could be similar configs for other MPI

* Within multi-core machines - the FPUs scale up with the number of
cores, but the memory bandwidth does not scale up in the same linear
way. Since achieved performance is a function of both - one should not
expect linear speedup on multi-core machines. [What matters is the
peak performance all the cores can collectively deliver]


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