valgrind question

Boyce Griffith griffith at
Thu Jan 22 15:33:23 CST 2009

Thanks, Barry!

My guess is that the answer is "no", but should I expect any trouble if 
there are NO ghost nodes on ANY of the processors?  (This happens only 
at the very beginning of the code.)

-- Boyce

Barry Smith wrote:
>   Boyce,
>    This (corner cases) should all be legal and not cause memory 
> corruption problems.
>    Barry
>> Hi, Satish --
>> All of these valgrind errors are related to VecGhosts.  Can I run into 
>> memory corruption problems if there are no local nodes associated with 
>> a particular processor, or if there are no ghost nodes associated with 
>> a particular processor?
>> Thanks,
>> -- Boyce

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