Schur system + MatShell

Barry Smith bsmith at
Tue Apr 22 07:11:06 CDT 2008

On Apr 22, 2008, at 7:06 AM, tribur at wrote:

> Dear Satish, dear Barry, dear rest,
> Thank you for your response.
>>> Being concerned with b in the moment, I managed to set up and  
>>> solve the global
>>> Schur system using MATDENSE. The solving works well with, e.g.,  
>>> gmres+jacobi,
>>> but the assembling of the global Schur matrix takes too long.
>> Hmm - with dense - if you have some other efficient way of assembling
>> the matrix - you can specify this directly to MatCreateMPIDense() -  
>> [or
>> use MatGetArray() - and set the values directly into this array]
> I don't see an alternative, as the partitioning of PETSc has nothing  
> to do with my partitioning (unstructured mesh, partitioned with  
> Metis). Moreover, in case of 2 Subdomains, e.g., the local Schur  
> complements S1 and S2 have the same size as the global one, S=S1+S2,  
> and there is no matrix format in PETSc supporting this, isn't it?
>>> 2) Using KSPBICG, it iterates without error message, but the  
>>> result is wrong
>>> (norm of residual 1.42768 instead of something like 1.0e-10),  
>>> although my
>>> Mat-functions PETSC_SchurMatMult and PETSC_SchurMatMultTranspose  
>>> seem to be
>>> correct. I tested the latter comparing the vectors y1 and y2  
>>> computed by,
>>> e.g., MatMult(S,x,y1) and PETS_SchurMatMult(S,x,y2). Norm(y1-y2)  
>>> was < e-15
>>> for both functions.
>> Not sure what the problem could be. Can you confirm that the code is
>> valgrind clean? It could explain the issue 1 aswell.
> Valgrind didn't find an error in my PETSC_SchurMatMult, but PETSc  
> gave me now also an error message when running with KSPBICG (same  
> MatShell-code as in my previous e-mail):
> [1]PETSC ERROR: MatMult() line 1632 in src/mat/interface/matrix.c
> [1]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve_BiCG() line 95 in src/ksp/ksp/impls/bicg/ 
> bicg.c
> [1]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve() line 379 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c

   What is the error message? This just tells you a problem in  
MatMult(). You need to send EVERYTHING that was
printed when the program stopped with an error. Send it to petsc-maint at


> The error seems to occurr at the second call of PETSC_SchurMatMult.
> I attached the related source files (petsc version petsc-2.3.3-p8,  
> downloaded about 4 months ago), and below you find additionally my  
> MatMult-function PETSC_SchurMatMult (maybe there is problem with  
> ctx?).
> I'm stuck and I'll be very grateful for any help,
> Kathrin
> PS My user defined MatMult-function:
> typedef struct {
> int NPb;
> IS is;       //int *uBId_global;
> double *Sloc;
> } localData;
> void PETSC_SchurMatMult(Mat Stot, Vec xtot, Vec ytot){
>  localData * ctx;
> MatShellGetContext(Stot, (void**) &ctx);
> int NPb = ctx->NPb;   IS is   = ctx->is;
> double *Sloc = ctx->Sloc;
> //extracting local vector xloc
> Vec xloc;
> VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, NPb, &xloc);
> VecScatter ctx2;
> VecScatterCreate(xtot,is,xloc,PETSC_NULL, &ctx2);
> VecScatterBegin(ctx2,xtot,xloc,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
> VecScatterEnd(ctx2,xtot,xloc,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD);
> VecScatterDestroy(ctx2);
> //local matrix multiplication
> vector<double> yloc_array(NPb,0);
> PetscScalar *xloc_array;
> VecGetArray(xloc, &xloc_array);
> for(int k=0; k<NPb; k++)
>   for(int l=0; l<NPb; l++)
>     yloc_array[k] += Sloc[k*NPb+l] * xloc_array[l];
> VecRestoreArray(xloc, &xloc_array);
> VecDestroy(xloc);
> //scatter yloc to ytot
> Vec yloc;
> VecCreateSeqWithArray(PETSC_COMM_SELF, NPb, PETSC_NULL, &yloc);
> VecPlaceArray(yloc,&yloc_array[0]);
> VecScatter ctx3;
> VecScatterCreate(yloc, PETSC_NULL, ytot, is, &ctx3);
> VecScatterBegin(ctx3, yloc, ytot, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
> VecScatterEnd(ctx3, yloc, ytot, ADD_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD);
> VecScatterDestroy(ctx3);
> VecDestroy(yloc);
> }

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