general question on speed using quad core Xeons

amjad ali amjad11 at
Tue Apr 22 00:45:42 CDT 2008

Hello Dr. Satish,
Thanks for your intellectual reply.

> The othe CPU side - its balanced by FSB1600 =>
> Bandwidth = 1600MHz * 8(bytes bus)* 2(CPU-chips) = 25.6GByte/se
> So generally all the 3 things you've listed has to *match* correctly.
> [Some CPUs and chipsets support multiple FSB frequencies - so have to
> check what freq is set for the machine you are buying.]

Currently I am making a gigabit ethernet cluster of 4 compute nodes
(totaling 8 cores), with each node having
One Processor: Intel Core2Duo E6750 2.66 GHz Processor, FSB 1333MHz, 4MB L2.
Motherboard: Intel Entry Server Board Intel S3200SHV with intel 3200 Chipset
supporting 1333/1066/800 MHz FSB .
RAM: 2GB DDR2 800MHz ECC System Memory.

What memory-bandwidth/CPU-core will be there for this system?
Any other comment/remark?
My area work deals in sparse matrices.
I near future I would like to add 12 similar compute nodes in the cluster.

On such a cluster what if I relapce "C2D 2.66 GHz FSB1333 processor" with
"Intel Xeon 3070/3075 2.66 GHz FSB1066/1333 processor"? Would there be any
significant improvement in performance?

with best regards,
Amjad Ali.
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