understanding the output from -info

Ben Tay zonexo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 8 09:47:24 CST 2007


i'm trying to solve my cfd code using PETSc in parallel. Besides the linear
eqns for PETSc, other parts of the code has also been parallelized using

however i find that the parallel version of the code running on 4 processors
is even slower than the sequential version.

in order to find out why, i've used the -info option to print out the
details. there are 2 linear equations being solved - momentum and poisson.
the momentum one is twice the size of the poisson. it is shown below:

[0] User provided function(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started: procs 4
[1] User provided function(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started: procs 4
[3] User provided function(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started: procs 4
[2] User provided function(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started: procs 4
[0] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS
[0] User provided function(): Running on machine: atlas2-c12
[1] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS
[1] User provided function(): Running on machine: atlas2-c12
[3] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS
[3] User provided function(): Running on machine: atlas2-c08
[2] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS
[2] User provided function(): Running on machine: atlas2-c08
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 91 141 max tags =
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 91 141 max tags =
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 91 141 max tags =
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 91 141 max tags =
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 92 143 max tags =
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 92 143 max tags =
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 92 143 max tags =
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 92 143 max tags =
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
           0        3200
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
        3200        6400
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
        6400        9600
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
        9600       12800
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
        3200        6400
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
        9600       12800
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 91 141
           0        3200
        6400        9600
[1] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[1] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[3] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 3200; storage space: 4064
unneeded,53536 used
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 3200; storage space: 4064
unneeded,53536 used
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 18
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 18
[3] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes of 3200. Limit used: 5. Using Inode
[1] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes of 3200. Limit used: 5. Using Inode
[0] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[0] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[2] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 3200; storage space: 4064
unneeded,53536 used
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 18
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 3200; storage space: 3120
unneeded,54480 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 18
[2] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes of 3200. Limit used: 5. Using Inode
[0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes of 3200. Limit used: 5. Using Inode
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ(): Using block index set to define scatter
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[1] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 640; storage space: 53776
unneeded,3824 used
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 6
[1] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
2560)/(num_localrows 3200) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[0] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[0] VecScatterCreate(): General case: MPI to Seq
[0] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 320; storage space: 55688
unneeded,1912 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 6
[0] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
2880)/(num_localrows 3200) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 6
[0] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
2880)/(num_localrows 3200) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[3] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[3] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 320; storage space: 55688
unneeded,1912 used
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 6
[3] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
2880)/(num_localrows 3200) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[2] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[2] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 3200 X 640; storage space: 53776
unneeded,3824 used
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 6
[2] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
2560)/(num_localrows 3200) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] KSPDefaultConverged(): user has provided nonzero initial guess,
computing 2-norm of preconditioned RHS
[0] KSPDefaultConverged(): Linear solver has converged. Residual norm
1.00217e-05 is less than relative tolerance 1e-05 times initial right hand
side norm 6.98447 at iteration 5
[0] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[0] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 1600; storage space: 774
unneeded,13626 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 9
[0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes out of 1600 rows. Not using Inode
[1] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[1] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 1600; storage space: 1016
unneeded,13384 used
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 9
[1] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes out of 1600 rows. Not using Inode
[2] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[2] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 1600; storage space: 1016
unneeded,13384 used
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 9
[2] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes out of 1600 rows. Not using Inode
[3] MatStashScatterBegin_Private(): No of messages: 0
[3] MatAssemblyBegin_MPIAIJ(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 1600; storage space: 1016
unneeded,13384 used
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 9
[3] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 1600 nodes out of 1600 rows. Not using Inode
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ(): Using block index set to define scatter
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[2] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[2] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 320; storage space: 13444
unneeded,956 used
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] VecScatterCreate(): General case: MPI to Seq
[2] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 3
[2] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
1280)/(num_localrows 1600) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[0] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 160; storage space: 13922
unneeded,478 used
[0] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 160; storage space: 13922
unneeded,478 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 3
[0] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
1440)/(num_localrows 1600) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[3] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[3] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 160; storage space: 13922
unneeded,478 used
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[3] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 3
[3] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
1440)/(num_localrows 1600) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[1] VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS(): Using blocksize 1 scatter
[1] MatSetOption_Inode(): Not using Inode routines due to
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 1600 X 320; storage space: 13444
unneeded,956 used
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 3
[1] Mat_CheckCompressedRow(): Found the ratio (num_zerorows
1280)/(num_localrows 1600) > 0.6. Use CompressedRow routines.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[2] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[0] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[1] VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(): Block-Stash has 0 entries, uses 0 mallocs.
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[3] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[1] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[2] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 92 143
[0] KSPDefaultConverged(): Linear solver has converged. Residual norm
8.84097e-05 is less than relative tolerance 1e-05 times initial right hand
side norm 8.96753 at iteration 212
           1  1.000000000000000E-002   1.15678640520876

i saw some statements stating "seq". am i running in sequential or parallel
mode? have i preallocated too much space?

lastly, if Ax=b, A_sta and A_end from
b_sta and b_end from
always be the same value, right?

Thank you.
-------------- next part --------------
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