common nodla points on neighbouring subdomains

Thomas Geenen geenen at
Wed May 17 05:08:08 CDT 2006

Dear Petsc users,

I am solving a system of equations Ax=b resulting from a Finite element 
package.  The parallelization strategy for this program is to minimize 
communication. therefore each subdomain has its own copy of common nodal 
points between subdomains (local numbering). This strategy is already 
implemented and I don't want to change that

I fill the matrix and right hand side with a call to MatSetValuesLocal and 
VecSetValuesLocal. Some entries are filled on different subdomains (of course 
with the same value)

The solution for the first subdomain is correct. however the solution vector 
on the second subdomain does not contain the solution on the common nodal 
points it shares with subdomain 1.
This is probably a feature but it is not consistent with my program setup. 
The question is:
how can i tell petsc to return a solution for all the positions i filled with 

Thanks in advance
Thomas Geenen
ps I got the impression that the assemble routines also exchange common nodal 
point info.  It would be nice if this could be skipped as well.
Of course some extra communication could solve my problem but I would prefer a 
more elegant solution if one exists

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