OT - cluster rental

Randall Mackie randy at geosystem.us
Thu Aug 24 10:16:47 CDT 2006

I have been looking for a commercial cluster rental, with only very little success.
The only one I've found so far is Tsunmaic Technologies:

I've looked at several of the University super-computer centers, but they don't
appear to be easy to rent cluster time from if you're not an academic.

We have our own smallish (70 node) cluster, but we have some jobs where larger (256 node)
clusters would be nice.

If anyone knows of any commercial clusters that can be rented, I'd appreciate the information.


Randy Mackie

Randall Mackie
PMB# 643
2261 Market St.,
San Francisco, CA 94114-1600
Tel (415) 469-8649
Fax (415) 469-5044

California Registered Geophysicist
License No. GP 1034

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