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.hmmessage P
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<div dir="ltr">I'm building a solver based on block 'chaotic relaxations' or totally asynchronous Jacobi. Currently I have a version using a hybrid MPI + OpenMP scheme in PETSc. I use one MPI process per node (or socket) and OpenMP within each node. OpenMP isn't used for performance or anything like that, just that shared-default makes more sense for this code - as I have different threads doing different things to the same data at the same time (one thread performs communication, the others perform relaxations, with no thread locking).<br><br>I want to achieve the same thing using pure MPI, with shared-memory windows on each node. Having a solver that is only compatible with MPI+X applications is very limiting. For this, one process needs to be able to communicate the halo data for the entire node, whilst the other processes do their computational work.<br><br>My question is:<br><br>Given a sub-communicator across 1 node, is there a smart way, using existing PETSc functionality, that I could 'merge' the matrices/vectors from each slave process to the master, so that rank 0 is responsible for all communication between the nodes?<br><br>My two ideas so far:<br><br>- Open the Vecs and their VecScatters up on a shared-memory window, and have each sub-communicator master perform the VecScatter for each slave. Cons: by default this will try to communicate with itself; and the messages are not packed efficiently (multiple messages will be sent to the same processes).<br><br>- Grab the Vecs and Mats through a shared-memory window and pack them into a MATNEST/VECNEST on the sub-comm master, and use the existing functionality of PETSc to create my clean scatter patterns for me. Cons: not really sure, is that a lot of overhead?<br><br>Many thanks.<br></div>