Hi,<br><br>Which argument should I pass to pass to compile petsc on hopper II with superlu_dist, hypre and mumps (download) ? Without external package --with-mpi=0 works fine but then the external packages complain about it (no mpi specified). I tried to use and also modify the arch-cray-xt5-opt.py configure file but I did not go through it yet (Invalid mpiexec specified: /usr/common/acts/PETSc/3.0.0/bin/mpiexec.aprun). Instead of wasting time, I guess you guys will provide an answer pretty quickly.<br>
<br>Thanks for your help.<br><br>Fabien<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div>Fabien Delalondre, PhD.</div><div>Senior Research Associate, Scientific Computation Research Center (SCOREC).</div><div>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY.</div>
<div>Email: <a href="mailto:delalf@scorec.rpi.edu" target="_blank">delalf@scorec.rpi.edu</a>, Phone: (518)-276-8045</div><br>