[petsc-dev] private branch of petsc-dev (fwd)

Dmitry Karpeev karpeev at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Feb 9 18:56:08 CST 2013

On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 7:48 PM, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> > > - *never* sync with petsc-dev until this work is done.
>> > >
>> > > - merge with petsc-dev when its done. [either merge - or rebase it
>> over]
>> > >
>> > > The *never* sync with petsc-dev is a drawback for this.
>> >
>> > You could just `hg pull --rebase`? Unless you mean don't push to
>> > petsc-dev, then yes, don't push to petsc-dev until the feature is done.
>> 'hg pull --rebase' would be great for a single developer of the
>> feature.  But with 2 developers commiting/communicating commits - one
>> would have to 'strip out the old changes' - as you put it - either
>> manually or with mercurial tools - and then propogate this to remote
>> repo aswell.  So its easy to make mistakes in the workflow?
> A feature like MINRESQLP should be able to go a very long time before
> conflicting. It's usually considered bad practice to constantly merge
> (because most merge commits don't convey useful content), but it's also
> useful to know when something will automerge successfully and sometimes we
> want to test with all known patches applied. In git, I use a personal
> testing branch for this (jed/test in the discussion below). I explain my
> git workflow below. It's mildly advanced, but hopefully explains how to
> achieve
> *1.* Many people can work independently with minimal interruptions.
> *2.* Every commit that eventually appears in a release (to be tagged from
> 'master') is semantically significant and preserves the integrity and
> testing performed the first time it is committed with intent to publish.
> (You can rework locally as much as you want, but the SHA1 is indelible once
> you decide that a commit is complete.) This implies zero content-free
> merges and zero rebases for topic branches.
> *3.* Every commit can be reviewed before it graduates to 'master'.
> *4.* The process can be applied recursively and scales naturally to an
> arbitrary number of contributors working on an arbitrary number of projects.
> $ cd the-repo && git checkout master # 'master' is the default branch
> (master) $ git pull --ff-only
> Comments:
> 1. The --ff-only option tells 'pull' to abort if I have any changes in
> 'master' that are not already upstream (not fast-forward). I use it here
> only for explicitness.
> 2. Since I put __git_ps1 in my bash prompt, I see the current branch (and
> sometimes other useful info).
> I always keep my 'master' branch clean. I use it to test the upstream
> version of the code and to apply isolated bug fixes. Those look like the
> following (though I usually commit from emacs using magit)
> (master) $ emacs broken-file.c makefile
> (master) $ make runex42_3 DIFF=diffupdate # my script to refresh output
> (master) $ git add output/ex42_3.out # new file
> (master) $ git commit -am'Fix bug X introduced in <SHA1>, add runex42_3'
> (master) $ git push
> If there is a conflict here, I just
> (master) $ git pull --rebase
> (master) $ git push
> because this spot bug-fix doesn't have any useful history that I can
> maintain. Now let's consider a more interesting feature
> (master) $ git checkout -b jed/feature1 # create a branch and check it out
> (jed/feature1) $ emacs file-to-modify.c && git commit -am'implement first
> part of feature1'
> and another
> (jed/feature1) $ git checkout -b jed/fetaure2 master # base this on
> 'master' because it is independent of feature1
> (jed/feature2) $ emacs file-to-modify.c # oops, same file, and some
> changes conflict
> (jed/feature2) $ git commit -am'first part of feature2, I might not know
> that it conflicts with feature1'
> Now I want to see what's happening upstream:
> $ git checkout master
> (master) $ git pull
> and to find out how my patches will appear if merged into upstream:
> (master) $ git checkout -b jed/test
> (jed/test) $ git merge jed/feature1 # applies cleanly, cool
> (jed/test) $ git merge jed/feature2 # conflicts
> Auto-merging file-to-modify.c
> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file-to-modify.c
> *Recorded preimage for 'file-to-modify.c'*
> Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
> (I'll explain the bold part later.) I will resolve this merge and commit
> the result:
> (jed/test) $ git commit -a -m 'test resolution'
> *Recorded resolution for 'file-to-modify.c'.*
> [detached HEAD 2fe010b] test resolution
So, this resolution is applied to jed/test and also saved [I'm guessing the
detached HEAD is this stashed resolution?) to be applied again later to
master when jed/feature2 is finally merged with the upstream.  Meanwhile
you work on jed/feature2 without this resolution applied, so you don't
actually see the code as it will end up.  Wouldn't that be confusing?  I
imagine this workflow works and "preserves the ... testing" because the
testing is done on jed/test, which contains the resolutions of all of the
conflicts with the upstream.  I feel like I would find it disorienting
working on one branch, testing in another, then fixing whatever problems in
the first, testing again in the second, and so on. What am I missing?


> Then test in the 'jed/test' branch. Maybe I build other applications that
> will be users of feature1 and feature2. Now I go back to working on
> feature1:
> $ git checkout jed/feature1
> (jed/feature1) $ emacs && make all alltests
> (jed/feature1) $ git commit -am'finish implementing feature1, add tests,
> etc'
> Now I'm ready to publish feature1, so I
> (master) $ git pull
> (master) $ git merge jed/feature1 && make alltests
> (master) $ git push
> Now I work on feature2 a bit more and integrate all the latest
> (jed/test) $ git merge master # get upstream stuff
> (jed/test) $ git merge jed/feature2 # get new feature2 stuff
> then go back to feature2 and finish up
> (jed/feature2) $ emacs && make all alltests
> (jed/feature2) $ git commit -am'finish implementing feature2, add tests,
> etc'
> and now it's time to publish
> (master) $ git merge jed/feature2
> Auto-merging file-to-modify.c
> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file-to-modify.c
> *Resolved 'file-to-modify.c' using previous resolution.*
> Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
> *Explanation of the bold:*
> So what happened here? We resolved that conflict in jed/test, but jed/test
> is messy and may have lots of incomplete stuff in it. We never merge
> jed/test anywhere and we might throw it away at any time. However, since we
> resolved this conflict before (even though it was in a different branch
> that we won't use now), git can REuse the REcorded REsolution. Git tells me
> there was a merge conflict and doesn't auto-commit the merge (I need to run
> 'git commit' to complete the process), but I don't have to manually resolve
> this time. (The fact that Hg has no equivalent functionality perplexes me,
> but explains why Hg projects with many contributors are always cluttered
> with meaningless merges.)

> I find this mechanism super convenient, but it's disabled by default,
> presumably because it can feel like magic. Enable it with
> $ git config rerere.enabled true
> or globally with
> $ git config --global rerere.enabled true
> As a user, the effect is that I only ever need to resolve conflicts once.
> Git remembers that resolution and will reuse it anywhere that I merge
> similar content. There is technical documentation for the feature, but I
> used it for years before reading these:
> http://git-scm.com/2010/03/08/rerere.html
> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-rerere.html
> http://gitster.livejournal.com/41795.html
> This "topic branch" workflow lets me have long-lived feature branches that
> have linear history (no merges from upstream into the feature branch), but
> in which the combined state is frequently tested and the eventual merge to
> 'master' is painless.
> If something shows up in 'master' that I need to complete my work on
> feature3, then I make an explicit merge
> (jed/feature3) $ git merge master # explain what functionality I'm
> obtaining in commit message
> This merge is semantically important and unavoidable so there is no reason
> to try to avoid it. We're only trying to avoid the meaningless merges "some
> other stuff happened, don't know if it affects me so I'll merge it".
> Note that it's fine to have many people working on the same topic branch.
> When you push to a topic branch, you are "publishing" to _those_ people. If
> that group is sizable, you'll still have a personal branch that you use to
> manage and test your patches before publishing to that topic branch. (Just
> apply the workflow above recursively, with 'master' replaced by
> 'topic-branch-with-several-people'.)
> *Throw-away integration branches*
> If many people are working concurrently, it's sometimes useful to have a
> snapshot of what a merge would look like with everyone's latest (still
> incomplete) work. In the kernel/git workflow, that is provided by a branch
> they call 'pu' (Proposed Updates). It is blown away and rebuilt
> periodically, but then we can easily check whether our new stuff conflicts
> with anything anyone else is working on by running
> (jed/feature4) $ git checkout -b jed/test-pu # create temporary branch at
> same state as jed/feature4
> (jed/test-pu) $ git merge origin/pu
> test things out, go back to work, eventually discard jed/test-pu
> $ git branch -D jed/test-pu
> If we discover some bad conflict, this experiment might prompt a design
> discussion with the people working on a component that we thought was
> independent of our work.
>> > Erase the command `hg branch` from your vocabulary.
> I wish the Hg developers would admit they made a mistake and erase 'hg
> branch' from Hg's vocabulary. Users that really want that ridiculous thing
> can add it to their hgrc.
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