[petsc-dev] Fwd: [mumps-dev] support for distributed right-hand vectors?

Garth N. Wells gnw20 at cam.ac.uk
Mon Nov 12 14:15:49 CST 2012

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Alexander Grayver
<agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de> wrote:
> So, I have tested both PaStiX and MUMPS solvers. Tests were run on 4
> inifinibanded nodes, each equipped with two 12 core AMD Opteron and 64 GB
> RAM. Intel Compiler 11.1 + MKL + OpenMPI was the tool-chain.
> The problem is 3D Helmholtz equation, 1.4 Mio of unknowns. The matrix is
> symmetric thus I used LDL^T for both.
> First of all, both PaStiX and MUMPS gave correct solution with the relative
> residual < 1e-12, although the test case was not numerically difficult.
> Below are tables, showing time for analysis+factorization (seconds) and
> overall memory usage (megabytes).
> N_cpus    T_fac memory
> 1    9.27E+03    27900
> 4    5.28E+03    33200
> 16    1.44E+03    77700
> 32    755    131377
> 64    471    225399
> N_cpus    T_fac memory
> 1    8009    49689
> 4    2821    63501
> 16    1375    84115
> 32    1081    86583
> 64    733    98235
> According to this test, PaStiX is slightly faster when run on more cores,
> but also consumes much more memory. Which is opposite to what Garth said.
> Either I did something wrong or our matrices are very different.

In my PaStiX tests, I would run with one MPI process per node and fill
each node with threads, Using threads gives better performance
(runtime) and uses much less memory. PaStiX has an option for the
min/max block sizes that are passed to BLAS. I found that increasing
these by a factor of say 4 over the default could give a moderate
performance boost,

Just a note: I didn't test via PETSc. I used my own parallel data
structures to feed to both PaStiX and MUMPS.


> PS Can anyone explain why direct solvers require more memory when run in
> parallel?
> On 10.11.2012 14:14, Alexander Grayver wrote:
> Garth,
> At the time I was tested PaStiX it failed for my problem:
> https://lists.mcs.anl.gov/mailman/htdig/petsc-dev/2011-December/006887.html
> Since then PaStiX has been updated with several critical bug fixes, so I
> should consider testing new version.
> The memory scalability of the MUMPS is not nice, that is true.
> Running MUMPS with default parameters on large amount of cores is often not
> optimal. I don't how much you spent tweaking parameters.
> MUMPS is among the most robust distributed solvers nowadays and it is still
> being developed and hopefully will improve.
> To petsc developers: are there plans to update PaStiX supplied with PETSc?
> The current version is 5.2 from 2012-06-08 and PETSc-3.3-p3 uses 5.1.8 from
> 2011-02-23.
> Here is changelog:
> https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/shownotes.php?group_id=186&release_id=7096
> --
> Regards,
> Alexander

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