[petsc-dev] API changes in MatIS

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Tue May 8 10:29:10 CDT 2012

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:32 AM, Stefano Zampini
<stefano.zampini at gmail.com>wrote:

> MatSetValues() is fine since only the global ordering is used.
>> MatSetValuesLocal() would ideally continue to work with the old local space
>> because the user has to redistribute their mesh to use the new ordering
>> (maybe there should be a translation filter).
> What do you mean for "translation filter"?

Translating a set of local indices for a different partition, but I
misunderstood what you were suggesting.

>> But how does this function actually work? Can the subdomain boundaries
>> move, or are subdomains just moved to a different process?
> Asking the first question:
> The function works by first reordering local nodes with INTERNAL and
> INTERFACE nodes (if the second argument LocalIS is not PETSC_NULL), in
> order to be able to use memcpy when using local scatters of PCIS (e.g.
> pcis->N_to_B). Then, it reorders the global numbering (if GlobalIS is not
> PETSC_NULL) by exploiting data locality in the global vector and reduce the
> amount of communications when scattering from global to local and
> viceversa; in practice, a numbering of global nodes is constructed in such
> a way that the greatest number of subdomain INTERNAL nodes will belong to
> the local part of the global vector. Then, remaining INTERNAL nodes (notes
> that if the parallel problem is well balanced, this will not occur) and
> INTERFACE nodes are placed in the remaining global nodes, keeping them
> sorted as they were in the previous global numbering. I think the latter
> part  can be further modified. When I'll add to matis.c, maybe you can take
> a look at the code and give me your suggestions.

Okay, this is different from what I thought you were describing. Moving the
global dofs is a tricky thing because the vectors we want to solve against
and interpret results for come from a higher level. Changing the global
ordering really produces a different matrix (MatMult is different), so it's
not "optimization". If the linear operator stayed the same, but you just
changed the format, perhaps we could call it "optimize".

Are you aware of PCRedistribute? It could be made to perform the
transformation you are thinking about for MATIS, solving the problem in the
"optimized" ordering, and mapping the solution back to the original

But why is this needed in the first place? Don't people who use MATIS also
create a reasonable global ordering at setup time? It's bad for other parts
of the algorithm to have a global numbering that doesn't line up well with
the partition of elements.

> Regarding the other question:
> With MATIS (and in principle every subassembled matrix) you are forced to
> use the local matrices assembled by the user or an assembled group of them
> (as you surely know since you are developing a PA). You cannot safely (in a
> theoretical way) move subdomain boundaries since you don't know (at least
> in principle) how to reproduce the matrix values on the local interface
> since they are neumann boundaries for the local PDE. The main question is:
> how can I split the assembled values on the nodes which previously were
> internal to the subdomain?

This can't be done, at least without more information or making assumptions
about the discretization. That's why I asked.

> (I think this is the main question when thinking to a MatConvert
> implementation which converts from a matrix obtained by DMDAGetMatrix to a

There is no reason why DMCreateMatrix() cannot return a MATIS. In any case,
that's a better model than assembling in one format and trying to convert,
especially since conversion really can't done in this direction (a MATIS
can be converted to MATAIJ, not the other way).

>> For a different, but related algorithm, I'm considering writing a MatPA
>> (PA = partially assembled) which would choose some points to assemble
>> internally. The reason for storing in partially assembled form is that I
>> will want to solve a number of pinned Neumann problems to determine the
>> coarse space and I'd rather not have to take unnecessary submatrices. Do
>> you think this is a bad idea and I should just use MatIS? (I also want
>> support for multiple subdomains per process and multiple processes per
>> subdomain, though that could be added to MatIS.)
> Cool. Are you implementing FETI-DP? I'm planning to implement it in the
> very next future for isogeometric analysis. Asking to your question, it
> depends on how you need to solve these "pinned Neumann problems": you need
> to solve unrelated local problems defined by the local matrices or solve a
> parallel Neumann problem? In the first case, MatIS is your choice. In the
> other case, I think you need to resort to a multigrid for a new MATIS
> object defined by the subdomains of interest.
> However, I will be glad to help you with PA if you want.

I'm not that interested in FETI-DP since it's basically the same as BDDC
and doesn't fix the exponential dependence on the number of levels. Also, I
hate that it doesn't work well for irregular coefficients on subdomain
boundaries. So I have a different algorithm in mind, more naturally viewed
as a multigrid or multilevel Schwarz, but with aggressive coarsening
enabled by the subdomains. One part of the method is compatible relaxation,
for which pinned Neumann problems are used. The idea is to start with just
enough pinning to make the subdomains non-singular, then enrich the coarse
space by adaptively selecting vertices or edge/face moments that are not
well controlled (as determined by compatible relaxation). Once the coarse
injection is found, we construct the coarse basis functions by harmonic
extension (again using pinned Neumann problems). With the multigrid
hierarchy is constructed, the smoother would be based on overlapping
subdomains or a multi-stage smoother involving both pinned Neumann problems
and surface strips (or perhaps just point-block Jacobi). The problem with
only using the pinned Neumann problems in the smoother seems to be that we
can't remove the exponential dependence without allowing the smoother to
move the injection (compatible relaxation is good for telling us whether a
coarse space is good, but not actually the right thing for multigrid
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