[petsc-dev] Bug in petsc-dev?

Thomas Witkowski Thomas.Witkowski at tu-dresden.de
Tue Mar 22 12:50:40 CDT 2011

Zitat von Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov>:

> On Mar 22, 2011, at 11:08 AM, Thomas Witkowski wrote:
>> Could some of you test the very small attached example? I make use   
>> of the current petsc-dev, OpenMPI 1.4.1 and GCC 4.2.4. In this   
>> environment, using 4 nodes, I get the following output, which is   
>> wrong:
>> [3] BCAST-RESULT: 812855920
>> [2] BCAST-RESULT: 450385
>> [1] BCAST-RESULT: 450385
>> [0] BCAST-RESULT: 450385
>> The problem occurs only when I run the code on different nodes.   
>> When I start mpirun on only one node with four threads
>    You mean 4 MPI processes?


>> or I make use of a four core system, everything is fine. valgrind   
>> and Allinea DDT, both say that everything is fine. So I'm really   
>> not sure where the problem is. Using PETSc 3.1-p8 there is no   
>> problem with this example. Would be quite interesting to know if   
>> some of you can reproduce this problem or not. Thanks for any try!
>    Replace the PetscInitialize() and PetscFinalize() with MPI_Init()  
>  and MPI_Finalize() and remove the include petsc.h now link under  
> old  and new PETSc and run under the different systems.
>    I'm thinking you'll still get the wrong result without the Petsc   
> calls indicating that it is an MPI issue.

No! When I already did this test. In this case I get the correct results!


>    Barry
>> Thomas
>> <test.c>

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