Block matrices and Schur complement preconditioning

Jed Brown jed at
Thu Aug 28 04:18:17 CDT 2008

On Wed 2008-08-27 16:42, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> Just so I can remove this from my todo mail pile, it appears Barry is
> doing this.
> The actually Schur stuff is a new KSP thing so we do not link Mat to KSP, but
> it should work as you want.

I noticed this going in.  I have something similar, though it was
targeting my partially matrix-free case (Barry's is more general so I'll
start using it).  My rambling was more about attaching an auxiliary
matrix which the preconditioner uses to precondition a solve with the
Schur complement.  PetscObjectCompose() will work fine for this.  The
other direction (the preconditioner telling the assembly code to
assemble this auxiliary form) is an application-specific thing.


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