Package: Open MPI root@sb-e470 Distribution Open MPI: 2.1.0 Open MPI repo revision: v2.0.1-696-g1cd1edf Open MPI release date: Mar 20, 2017 MPI API: 3.1.0 Fort mpi_f08 compliance: The mpi_f08 module is available, but due to limitations in the ifort compiler, does not support the following: array subsections, direct passthru (where possible) to underlying Open MPI's C functionality Fort MPI_SIZEOF: yes Thread support: posix (MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: no, OPAL support: yes, OMPI progress: no, ORTE progress: yes, Event lib: yes) MPI interface warnings: yes MPI parameter check: runtime MPI I/O support: yes MPI_WTIME support: native MPI extensions: affinity, cuda MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME: 256 MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING: 256 MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME: 64 MPI_MAX_INFO_KEY: 36 MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL: 256 MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME: 1024 MPI_MAX_DATAREP_STRING: 128