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<p>I posted a question to the list a while ago about building the newest
parallel-netcdf on ASCI Q, I believe Bill Gropp got back to me
on my problem, but I can no longer find his reply. I'm running into a problem
with the configure:
<p>checking whether size_t and int size match... no
<br>configure: error: This is a critical error; please report this size
mismatch to the developers!
<p>And I believe Bill said something to the effect that this was put
in for checks in building the fortran interface and implied that if I didn't
need the fortran interface (which I currently don't) I could bypass this
check. Can anyone help me with this?
<p>After getting some mpi issues out of the way, I am able to get a really
old version of parallel netcdf built on Q, but it doesn't work reliably
on greater than 8 processors.
Brad Gallagher
ASCI Flash Center