pnetcdf bug?

Charlie Zender zender at
Wed Oct 28 12:35:37 CDT 2015

Hi Wei-keng,
People do this all the time in custom post-processing,
where speed/penalties are not such a big deal, and
where combining datasets is necessary.

Thanks for you quick work identifying and solving the problem.

It would be helpful to have a script that tests a
(p)netCDF file to see if the offset alignment is enabled,
because I expect to triage more bug reports submitted
to NCO where the actual cause is the alignment in the
underlying file. Any guidance on creating such a script?

On 10/28/15 10:04, Wei-keng Liao wrote:
> I thought adding new variables to an existing file happens rarely in netCDF applications
> because of the high penalty to move (shift) the record variables down.
> Is CESM doing this?

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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