Write a 3D array in Fortran using PnetCDF

MBR MBR mbr.joos at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 10:07:03 CST 2013

Dear all,

I'm trying to use PnetCDF to store the variables (which are 3D arrays) of
my algorithm. Good news is that it seems much simpler than PHDF5 (which I
already implemented); bad news is that I have a MPI error at runtime I
cannot understand.
Please find both the error I get and the piece of code I wrote below. It
seems to me that it should be quite simple, but I cannot figure out what is
the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



The error I get is the following:
[mypc:18412] *** An error occurred in MPI_Type_create_subarray
[mypc:18412] *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
[mypc:18412] *** MPI_ERR_ARG: invalid argument of some other kind
[mpyc:18412] *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL: your MPI job will now abort

Here is a simplified version of the subroutine I wrote, which compiles
without problems:

subroutine output(data,x,y,z,nout,myrank)
  use pnetcdf
  use mpi_var ! contains useful variables (idim, ni, etc. see below)

  implicit none
  include 'mpif.h'

  ! idim,jdim,kdim are the number of elements in each dimension
  real(dp),dimension(idim,jdim,kdim) :: data
  real(dp), dimension(idim) :: x
  real(dp), dimension(jdim) :: y
  real(dp), dimension(kdim) :: z
  integer :: nout, myrank
  character(LEN=*) :: filename

  ! PnetCDF variables
  integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: nxtot, nytot, nztot
  integer :: nout, ncid, xdimid, ydimid, zdimid
  integer, dimension(3) :: sdimid
  integer :: varid
  integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND), dimension(3) :: dims, start, count

  ! Dimensions; ni,nj,nk are the number of MPI threads per direction
  nxtot = nx*ni
  nytot = ny*nj
  nztot = nz*nk

  dims = (/ nx, ny, nz /)

  ! Get filename; nout is the number of the current output
  call get_filename(nout, filename)

  ! Create filename
  nout = nfmpi_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, filename, NF_CLOBBER, MPI_INFO_NULL,

  ! Define dimensions
  nout = nfmpi_def_dim(ncid, "x", nxtot, xdimid)
  nout = nfmpi_def_dim(ncid, "y", nytot, ydimid)
  nout = nfmpi_def_dim(ncid, "z", nztot, zdimid)
  sdimid = (/ xdimid, ydimid, zdimid /)

  ! Create variable
  nout = nfmpi_def_var(ncid, "var", NF_DOUBLE, 3, sdimid, varid)

  ! End of definitions
  nout = nfmpi_enddef(ncid)

  ! {x,y,z}pos corresponds to the position of the MPI thread in a 3D
cartesian grid
  start = (/ xpos, ypos, zpos /)*dims
  count = dims

  ! Write data
  nout = nfmpi_put_vara_double_all(ncid, varid, start, count, data)

  ! Close file
  nout = nfmpi_close(ncid)

end subroutine output
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