writing large variables

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at ece.northwestern.edu
Wed Jan 16 12:07:43 CST 2013

In your case, NC_64BIT_DATA is indeed required.

In netcdf, if you define a variable with > 2^31 elements and it is the last
variable defined in the file, then you probably can still use CDF-2.
Below is the netcdf code I tested (using netcdf library version
var2 is the variable with 8B elements.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <netcdf.h>

#define NZ 2
#define NY 1048576
#define NX 8192

#define ERR(e) {if (e!= NC_NOERR) {printf("Error: %s\n", nc_strerror(e)); exit(-1);}}

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int ncid, varid1, varid2, old_modep, cmode, err;
    int dimids[3];
    size_t start[3], count[2];
    double buf;

    cmode = NC_CLOBBER | NC_64BIT_OFFSET;

    if (err = nc_create("testfile.nc", cmode, &ncid)) ERR(err);
    if (err = nc_def_dim(ncid, "z", NZ, &dimids[0])) ERR(err);
    if (err = nc_def_dim(ncid, "y", NY, &dimids[1])) ERR(err);
    if (err = nc_def_dim(ncid, "x", NX, &dimids[2])) ERR(err);

    if (err = nc_def_var(ncid, "var1", NC_DOUBLE, 2, dimids, &varid1))
    if (err = nc_def_var(ncid, "var2", NC_DOUBLE, 2, dimids+1, &varid2))

    if (err = nc_set_fill(ncid, NC_NOFILL, &old_modep)) ERR(err);
    if (err = nc_enddef(ncid)) ERR(err);

    /* write the last element */
    start[0] = NZ-1;
    start[1] = NY-1;
    start[2] = NX-1;
    count[0] = count[1] = 1;
    if (err = nc_put_vara_double(ncid, varid1, start, count, &buf))
    if (err = nc_put_vara_double(ncid, varid2, start+1, count, &buf))

    if (err = nc_close(ncid)) ERR(err);

    return 0;

% ls -l testfile.nc
-rw------- 1 wkliao users 68736254100 Jan 16 11:58 testfile.nc

% ncdump -h testfile.nc
netcdf testfile {
	z = 2 ;
	y = 1048576 ;
	x = 8192 ;
	double var1(z, y) ;
	double var2(y, x) ;

% ncdump -k testfile.nc
64-bit offset


On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:49 AM, John Clyne wrote:

> Hi Wei-Keng,
> I should have been more clear. The array has more than 2^31 elements. Our test case presently has on the order of 2^33 elements, and soon we'll need to support 2^36 elements or more.
> It sounds like the NC_64BIT_DATA flag is required in our case?
> thanks - jc
> On Jan 16, 2013, at 9:27 AM, Wei-keng Liao wrote:
>> Hi, John,
>> The mode NC_64BIT_DATA (CDF-5 format) allows you to define an array variable
>> that has more than 2^31 elements. Note this is about the number of "elements"
>> not the size of an array.
>> If your array has less elements but the size is more than 4GB, then
>> NC_64BIT_OFFSET can still be used. For example, double foo[Z][Y][X] has
>> Z*Y*X elements. If Z*Y*X < 2^31 and Z*Y*X*sizeof(double) > 2^31, then you
>> can still use NC_64BIT_OFFSET.
>> Is this your case?
>> Wei-keng
>> On Jan 16, 2013, at 9:58 AM, John Clyne wrote:
>>> Thanks for the quick response, Rob. I've poked the Unidata folks as well to see if they have any updates on their CDF-5 support plans. One followup question: Is it possible to output large variables from pnetcdf without using CDF-5? netCDF seems to support this in a CDF-2 format, albeit with restrictions. For our application we can live with those restrictions.'
>>> Thanks again for your help.
>>> Best,
>>> jc
>>> On Jan 16, 2013, at 7:54 AM, Rob Latham wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 05:09:05PM -0700, John Clyne wrote:
>>>>> Is it possible to write a large variable (>4GB) to a file with pnetcdf and read back the variable from the resulting file with netCDF? Outputting a large variable with pnetcdf appears to require passing the NC_64BIT_DATA flag (not NC_64BIT_OFFSET) to nc_create_par() - without this flag an error is generated. The file is written successfully, but when NC_64BIT_DATA is used the file is unrecognized by netcdf. For example:
>>>>> yslogin2[43] ncdump -h vx.0000.nc0
>>>>> ncdump: vx.0000.nc0: NetCDF: Unknown file format
>>>>> From what I can gather from the web the NC_64BIT_DATA results in the generation of a CDF-5 formatted file. Is there support for CDF-5 in netCDF, or any other options for mixing pnetcdf and netCDF?
>>>> Hi John:  the short answer is there is no "unidata netCDF" support for
>>>> pnetcdf's CDF-5 (giant variables) file format.  
>>>> I've been working with Unidata  on and off over the last few years to
>>>> find a way that we could use NetCDF-4's "netcdf on pnetcdf" feature to
>>>> support CDF-5, but that support right now only exists as a series of
>>>> patches yet to be incorporated into Unidata's tree.
>>>> ==rob
>>>> -- 
>>>> Rob Latham
>>>> Mathematics and Computer Science Division
>>>> Argonne National Lab, IL USA
>>> John Clyne
>>> National Center for Atmospheric Research
>>> 303.497.1236 (w), 303.809.1922 (c)
>>> clyne at ucar.edu
> John Clyne
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> 303.497.1236 (w), 303.809.1922 (c)
> clyne at ucar.edu

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