parallel-netcdf buffered I/O interface

Rob Latham robl at
Wed Sep 12 11:03:30 CDT 2012

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 09:38:12AM -0600, Jim Edwards wrote:
> I need to make a request to all of the Cray sites to update the
> parallel-netcdf 1.2.0 due to a bug in opening files (pnetcdf won't clobber
> correctly).   I would like to have this feature  (ncmpi_inq_buffer_usage)
> included in Cray's new build.   Can you please make a 1.3.1 distribution so
> that I can make this request?

Hi Jim.  I think we can do that.  I see Wei-keng has been busy with a
few little bug fixes through the code, as well.

I'm focused on SC tutorial materials right now, but can do this next

Wei-keng: anything you were hoping to sneak into a 1.3.1 ?


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Lab, IL USA

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