non contiguous data IO

Seiss, Guntram Seiss at Hamburg.BAW.DE
Mon Oct 2 07:41:35 CDT 2006

when using triangulated networks, we use an area splitting method to
distribute the work on to sevaral processors.
On file, it should be possible, to distribute the data non contiguos.
As an example I wrote a test program using MPI-IO and an user defined
The fileviews are constructed as follows:
             P0 |0xxxx0000xxxxxxxxxx00xxxx|  
             P1 |x1111xxxx1111xxxxxxxxxxxx| 
             P2 |xxxxxxxxxxxxx222222xxxxxx|
             P3 |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3333|
          total |0111100001111222222003333|

 Now I would like to realize the same in pnetCDF. Does anyone know about
examples, how I can use user defined
MPI-datatypes to describe such pattern like the above one?
Dr. Guntram Seiss
Bundesanstalt fuer Wasserbau
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