NF_GLOBAL and nfmpi_put_var_real

Rene Redler redler at
Mon May 9 02:28:09 CDT 2005

Hi Yu-Heng,

   it could be that all your problems described below
are related to the fact that NF_UNLIMITED is still
defined as integer*4 . The only place where it is
probably needed as argument is nfmpi_def_dim . But
nfmpi_def_dim requires the respective argument to
be of Type MPI_OFFSET which is in most MPI implementations

integer(kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: mydim
call nfmpi_def_dim ( ncid, varname,    mydim   , dimid )

will probably help, at least it did in my piece of code.


> Hi,
> I got some problems in the testing.
> 1. It seems  NF_GLOBAL causes some errors in  nfmpi_put_att_text().
> Same thing  happens to NF_UNLIMITED
> Is that right?
> 2. nfmpi_put_var_real() seems not giving me right answer.
> I added a couple of lines within the test program (/fandc/pnf_test.F).
> real*4 pt
> pt=5.0
> ierr=nfmpi_def_var(ncid,"P0",NF_REAL,0,0,t_id)
> ierr=nfmpi_put_var_real(ncid,t_id,pt)
> It goes wrong in the output. Same for nfmpi_put_var_double() etc
> Any idea how to fix this?
> Thanks!
> Cheers
> Yu-heng

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